It was a fun time moderating with you (even though we were on different servers). You have been a great staff member since the day you were promoted. Good luck in life my friend!
I blame @Pile But in all seriousness, I would agree with you losing that maturity or being just a bit rude to some players, but all of us know it's just a joke, and I know that just as much as anybody else here. You were an amazing head-moderator, and you did a great job devoting your time helping out MV in any aspect you could've done. Mineverse will never be the same without you as a staff manager, and just a forum moderator. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope you achieve all of your life goals and endeavours Nana this is a win for #TeamScarce and #TeamPile
Thank you for taking the time to write out such a detailed and nice goodbye. Also, thank you to all the other people who have replied to this thread. You are all amazing. Thank you.
You will always be the Senpai that never noticed me <33 Too bad I can't stalk you with /staff anymore ;-;
Dude I'm cring now. The day u changed your name you reminded me a banana i ate :( You were always, in my opinion, the best and coolest staff member on the server, Thank You. #TeemKeem
He still is. Nana, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. You've really helped the server reach greater heights and you've clarified so many issues, pointed so many players in the right directions, and you've been one of my inspirations to be hardworking. Really, what you put into your service is what you get out of it, that's what I believe in. And you've really put in so much into this server, there's no way you're not getting a standing ovation for that. Regardless, don't bash yourself up over the disrespectfulness and insensitivity you think you may have shown (in certain ways it's true, you have done so, but yet it's not a big deal after a while). Even though a Staff Member isn't supposed to do that, people have feelings, and I'm so glad that you're still a Forum Moderator. I really appreciate all that you've done for me, and other players. I'll always support you! Nana FTW ~