I like everything about school besides... Homework, waking up earlier, mean teachers, failing, and their food quality. Lol, I basically dont like school much xD
School's fun except for the homework, drama and how some teacher teaches. Being on school sports team are fun af and hanging out with friends. At least your getting to learn and better your education.
I'm okay with everything but math. Math is really boring imo. But, my favorite would have to be geography. I like trying all the weird food foreigners eat. LOL
i don't like school but i love back to school shopping and i love it when you get your schedule and you're finding out who are in your classes
Science is lit, we just go on our phones and eat food lmfao, my gateway teacher is almost deaf so he can't hear crap... Algebra has too much homework so like screw that, I don't really care for sk00 I have g00gle cuz
I actually don't mind school, I'm all good to concentrate and listen in class and get my work done. But the homework. Like. I just did 6 and a half hours of work and now I get more?! I have a life excuse me please let me live it. Also all of the drama kinda sucks but I manage to avoid it.
School is good, if you actually have a good enough rep. Yeah it's surprising that a 12-year old nerd-ish guy like me is a bit popular but because there are a lot of idiots in Year 7, it's not hard to burn someone and get instant respect. Just burn one kid at every class and you're the best guy in the grade. The only think I dislike about school has got to be the way teachers work, and the sub teachers.
if i could burn down school, kill all the people, blend them into a smoothie, feed the bones to dogs, keep their noses before i blended all of them to cook on a stove to hear them sizzle, i would