Hey guys! So lately I have been playing on Op PvP and I kept dyeing to hackers. Anyway so I wanted to buy sets off someone so I paid them the money and I only got some of the sets. No, they weren't scamming me, it was the clear entities/lag thing that happens every now and then. I think this feature should be added back to op pvp as it will help people know when to give other people things without risking the clear lag. Trust me it will help, I know this from experience ;-; - Vaped
I'm confused, so what you're saying is there should be an alert for when the clear lag will happen? If so support.
I think It will stop all lag I can't play kitpvp for getting banned by kenjitakashami I apologise server for any abuse. Your's sincerely xXHaydenGamerMC (HaydG minecraft username also on my first ever account on minecraft pc )
I believe this idea has already been suggested, but pushed away by Cypriot. Support, this would do some great things on that server.