Is it possible to get my money back after my balance was reset on KitPvP? I played KitPvP for 3 years and that was all of my savings. I have proof and only my balance and some other players balances were reset. It isnt fair at all!
Tbh they should refund it if you have proper evidence, because that's not the player's fault for losing his balance..
nope, money is refundable, just not items. Because KitPvp and Infection was having issues with peoples loot, money or xp, the head-staff accepted refunding peoples money or xp.
If you screenshots and showing that you had the money you could but I think they wouldn't give it. Plus they don't accept refunds of money because people could easily give the money to an alt or a friend and then act like they lost money. I'm pretty sure only XP on infection is refundable
There isn't a way you can get a refund that I know of because it is easily fakeable and I've never heard of this happening before.
You guys could ask CypriotMerks if you dont believe me. I made a thread with a screenshot of my money with a staff member. A few months ago, Cyp cleared some peoples balances, but not everyones. That's why I said it wasnt fair that my balance was reset while fellow friends still had their money. I dont even care anymore since I barely play old kit, but it would be nice if I could just get my money back.
You can have my money if you want. Its around 25k. I don't plan on playing pc games for a while let alone mc so I dont mind.
Im about to be in the same boat as you since school about to start. You earned your money same way I did, it's not easy. I will let Cyp or a staff deal with my money, but I dont want to take away from your experience and hard earnings of this server. The time we played KitPvP was when it WAS unique and fun.