Owner: Me Co-Owner: Not Me Administrator: Him Head Developer: Her Developers: She, He Head Builder: Also Not Me Builders: That guy, That girl, That person, it Head Mods: Them Mods: Bob (he can carry the team)
Owner - obvi me Co-Owner - idk tbh Administrator - @Clxrity @bruhgrier @Bexrs @Linkin Park Head-Developer - @Jhow @Pokings @Durt @Payable @ChiChay Developers - @FaZe Dox @Upsets @moosay @TheNiceSnake Head-Builer - @Pastel @Jubba @Mvdi Builders - @CIASnipez @Maxamul @its_shireen Head-Mods / Staff Managers @Teeeb @DoctorDistructo @Coastic 10 Moderators - pft who need moderators, this group is good
Owner:Stacker7 Co-Owner:mad:Cypriotmerkz @Noobcrew Developers:mad:TannerLittle and @Wolfie Head-Mod: @Pile @Bananurz @TheNiceSnake @canucksfan44 Mod: @Tigerz @Blueman05 @Alma @Griff @DecisivePro @Kenju @GBduck My fav staff or members