So, to make this plain and simple Kitpvp is kinda boring. You will see an average of 2-5 hackers a day, money's hard to get, and not a lot of kit's. So, my first solution is to add kit's, if possible. Yes, i know about EULA, so don't badger me about it. Kit's shouldn't be Op, for an example the best kit obtainable would be Diamond armor w/ Prot. 1, Iron sword sharp IV, etc. which titan's and god's would receive every 24 or 12 hours. Then the armor's would continue down for each rank. my second solution is money kit's. Example, Titans and God's would receive 100 In-game dollars every 24 or 12 hours. Then lowered for each rank. Also if money kit's were a thing Non-Donors would receive 15$ every 24 or 12 hours. My third solution is to add a book store. This would sell enchanted books, but the book's levels can only go to III, no level IV. Since ALL player's will be able to buy these, they come at a costly price, which is up to staff and moderators. My last solution is an Anti-Cheat. This one is more of a necessary.... Add-on @CypriotMerks
No support You don't know what EULA is, you can't just bend the rules only a little bit. This can't be added because it is still Pay to Win. That applies to both your first and second solution, those cant even be added XD. Your third solution is not bad so I support that and the 4th suggestion. But the 1st and 2nd ARE NOT EULA COMPLIANT!!!
Money kit is pay to win if you didn't know that... For example you can technically say that if the non donor kit is only $1 and while the Titan gets $100 so it is still pay to win
Neutral This is kind of dumb in my opinion because if you spend 250$ on a game then it has to be op. and all i say to make it fair is make the non-donor kits a bit better like full iron every 1 min makes it more fair in my opinion
i understand, but you can't really go any more op, this is just normal kitpvp, and remember EULA , pay2win? thats why i'm giving the non-donors kits as well, but the iron armor thing is smart. Noted