So my dad recently got a new house. It was furnished and everything looks amazing. There's a room in the basement that he hasn't told me about yet. I went down ( it was the first time exploring the house ) and there was a bunch of dog items. Turns out my dad is working to get me a Shiba Inu. ( Literally the doge dog ) Ofc we're not gonna keep it in the basement, he's gonna roam around the house, like a usual house dogs. So on this topic, I've been searching for dog names and I really don't know what to name him / her. He said he wanted a male but if there was none available, he'd get a female. Because of this maybe you could leave gender neutral names? Or like do Male: * name(s) here * Female: *name(s) here* I don't know exactly when he's getting it, but I'm excited. So I just need named for the pupper
Well... Ill just name my Pets names... Dog- Sandy My Cats -Leo, Oreo, Meows, Meatball, Emily, Pudgy ( Aka Rocky) Old Foster Cats- Saber (Like Saber Tooth Tiger) , Kitty, Cookie, Sydney, Quincy, Carly, Tootles, Hawk, Nova, And Clover. Hopefully these Helped xD
my dog's name is Dexter and my cat's name is Jess. you can use any of these if you like em! they both r boys btw
Boy: iDubbz, FilthyFrankuChan Girl: Onodera, Nico, Akatsuki, Yana, or Chitoge Attack helicopter: AgustaWestland AW129. Oil barrel: DGW Petroleum Saudi a ARABIA ISIS Fighter: Linda Hacker: Dillon
I think you should look the dog straight in the eyes then the first name that comes into your head is what you should name it :P
I really like these two boy names : Charles, Charlie Girls: Lena, and Liana. I really hope you like one of these names
Girl: Lola, Laila, Nadeshiko Boy: Chester, Murphy, Wolfram Neutral: Sam / Samantha, Daniel / Daniela, Kiseki
Girl: Roxy, Daisy, Bella, Coca, Lexi, Stella Boy: Doge, Finn, Trapper, Hawkeye If you want a really amazing name: Bailey Even this site proves it is the 2nd most used <3