I've heard of you being extremely rude to members of this community, and I feel as if you could be more mature. I don't generally give out "supports" or "no supports", but I do want to question those things and make sure you're aware of the type of behavior that is imperative to moderating. Often reports, though. Will compliment you on that. Last thing; what's with the name situation? I mean, are you Prim, Zaxx, stealthy, or what? Players need to know who to identify you by. I recommend making your forum name similar, if not the same, as your in-game name.
I am changing as soon as possible. I am going to be changing my forums name when I can. Haha thank you.
Neutral I have only seen you in Bed Wars, and I know I usually play bed wars manly but still I have to at least see you somewhere else once. Right now no support but soon maybe I can change to support. Keep working hard though. Maybe its just because I go on different games when your playing Bed Wars. For now Neutral. :p
Support due to the amount of valid reports you make. The head mods will beat any bad attitude out of you.
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Support Your A Guy woth Great attitude ur friendly and helpful i have played with u as StealthyNoob on bedwars and as _Primitive on game modes. Good Luck
I bet Methy will kinda kill me if I give you a support when I gave him a neutral, but screw him :3 Despite the fact you're spawnkilling quite a lot on Bedwars, I still support you. I'm not talking about doing it for kills, but ruining people's experience and making people leave Mineverse. I guess you could also vary the types of reports you make even more. Maybe some forum reports? :p I'd love to see the Pro and Noob work together on the staff team tho :3 Methy + Primie = Perfect match ^-^ Good luck, although I doubt you'll need it