Discussion in 'Discussion' started by djryan, Aug 17, 2015.
What about me? ;-; Geny?? ;(
Oh hey, I'm actually on there now!
*REQUEST* Can someone make an entire list of all the missing staff on the list so I can add them?
Oki: paulainmo its_shireen OfficiallyUnknown Clxrity GenyS
thats not all of them lol
Yeah it is (I think xd)
Eyy, my name is double in it.
Wow, I had no idea there was this many people who were part of the staff team.
add me pls
damn I almost forgot about this
I miss them so much
me dud
and me
Yo come on now! :p Nobody remembered me haha!! :t::t::t:
I'm pretty sure youre on it.
Can't find it. Maybe I'm just blind lol :P
Nah, it's not there
Move me to the top, where I belong.