So I was thinking that at a certain rank, you would be able to set a nickname. I have seen this on other servers, it would look kinda like this: Ex. Bailey [Bay_Leaf]: _________ or Ex. Bailey: _____ and you would wave over to see their real ign. The nickname would be a certain color maybe? Also, if someone already had a nickname, noone else could use it. ~Another suggestion by @Teddy and @Shattered Dreams: Just changing the color of your name. Comment ideas and suggestions below.
Neutral, I see its appeal but in games like KitPvP it would clog up the chat because it would have your nick, rank and clan.
Support. Maybe remove the [name] and add something that when you drag your mouse to the nickname, it gives the real ingame name of the player.
Okk, thanks for the feedback. Okay, thanks for the reply. Edited, thanks. Erm, I'm not smart with the Eula. No clue. kay. That's what I thought, thanks! Thank you. Thanks for the replyy. Good idea. Added. We would just wave over and see the username. Thank ya Yes, you would either wave over it and see the ign, or it would be after in [brackets]. Thank you
No support. It would fill up the chat and everybody could rename themselves different names, which would be amazingly annoying.
No support. It'd be such a pain with people impersonating people, inappropriate names, and would be a huge burden with mods having to punish for chat offences. (People could change their nicks so when they do /realname still can't find the correct person to punish on reports)