Like Everything I post, very simple. When your bed is broken and u don't respawn, You should be able to see the other players that have died with a ghost like feature. Why would this be useful? others who have died would be able to see if someone is spec blocking. and that would result in a report for the player. This would be much easier to Find spec blockers in, not just bed wars, but other game modes as well! Thanks for reading!
Thats also another good idea to consider. Any way to fix spec blocking or try to prevent it is useful
Tbh, it's going to be really annoying.. you only need that feature if they won't bother to fix specblocking, and not all people record rulebreakers so it would completely be useless on some games.. neutral..
Well, Right now it ISNT fixed, so it would be a good feature to add, and also, How would it get really annoying?
Well because it's like a ghost-like feature , you can see the other spectator flying around, for me that would be annoying.. and rather than adding this feature it would be better if they fix specblocking..