I'm only sorry for two things. the rest of the things that I said were just my opinion. I don't care if they get offended by this. I might get muted or banned for the things that I do, but I could care less. My opinions. - @Jenn Some time ago we had a fight, it was huge, nothing like we had before. I told you to go kys. I was heated and I didn't care what I said. I said that you were pathetic and we didn't need another lifeless person on the moderator list. At this point, I wanted you to get demoted. People could even prove that I said that. I never wanted this from you, I just wanted to come out as a rude person, I am truly sorry for what I did to you, We had such a close relationship. I miss our little two person squad making fun of people in skpe chats / calls. I loved you being my friend. I never used you for anything, Idk who the hell told you about the things that I said. Jenn, we used to be like best buds, I wish I could take back what I said, because I just want you to know that I didn't mean any of it. You wrote me paragraphs when I was feeling down. You never wrote me a, " I hope you feel better". You were the person who made me feel better, and I lost it. I lowkey miss you lmao. Forgive me? - @RandomNinja14 I didn't know that this would cause as much drama, I did say your Skype username in a call, but that was it. Somebody else spammed it in Skype chats, TS chats, and in-game names. When I said your name on Skype, I wasn't even on MV. I am half sorry about this, but then again I didn't deserve being hated on the staff team. I understand what I did was wrong. but I wasn't the one who leaked your skype virally. Yes, I may have been the cause of it, but the fact that I said your skype name in a rushed voice, I didn't think they would remember it, Sorry for the things I have caused. I didn't think they would cause this much drama. -- lol you can ignore this, I know what I have done was wrong.
I never wanted to be known as the nice one of Mineverse. I was always told to fight for what I wanted. If I was gonna be known as a softy, I might as well take every chance I could. If that meant being rude, I would've done it.
Not sure why you're taking this into publicity. You should just sort it out through personal, one-on-one conversations with Jenn and Random.
They blocked me on pretty much everything. My convos won't allow me to pm anybody. I actually hate sorry threads
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :( I understand where you're coming from now, though. Hope everything gets sorted out.
Mmhm! Yeah I actually tried getting contact from my old social media which was hacked. Once again I hate threads like this, so I'm ashamed of making one rip
It's okay, Pastel. Every friendship will always have a fight every once in a while. I forgive you for what you said, Even though the words you said was really hurtful. I'm truly sorry for what I've said too, I was just really shocked and surprised that you became this person I've never thought you'd become. I'm really sorry if my words did hurt you. Please accept my apology, if you don't I totally understand because if I was you I'm just I'd be really upset too. If you want me to be honest with you, You are the only friend in this community that has been there for me when I needed you, And since we had that huge fight I didn't have anyone else to talk to or just someone to be there for me. We had so much fun and good times together, It seemed like I couldn't let a good friend like you go. We made music videos, Gave each other feed back/advice when we both needed help and such. I really hope we can both put this in the past and start fresh. Accept my apology?
Ofc I'll accept your apology. I have, and I will admit, I said amazingly hurtful things. when you left me I think I was banned from forums and I only spoke to one other person, but he wasn't as helpful in problems. You were like the perfect friend. Sure we had our differences, and like you said, friends have fights time to time. It's great to have you back.
You lit just said to me on your profile you didn't learn from all your mistakes. You aren't making sense.
This is my opinion, Pastel made a thread to apologize to RandomNinja & I. Please don't bring a different problem in here and confront her about it, If you two have a problem with each other I suggest making a private conversation and discuss about it instead of bringing it into publicly. Causing flame, Drama and such.
It is also MY opinion. Pastel hasn't been being nice to me, my friend, and @Bailxy And Pastel has made fun of Bailey's looks, telling her she is surprised she has friends, and overall being a jerk for no reason to her. I don't think this is okay and I'm not going to let Pastel get away with it.
Okay, Thank you for this. Like I said if you have a problem please make it private and sort it out privately instead of bringing it into the publicly. PM me if you'd like some help.
May I just ask why you said it in the first place? Other than that I have moved on with it, I haven't even really thought about it in a while. It is what it is, and I accept your half apology(?). Hopefully you won't get hate or anything for it.
I don't really remember why, I was probably just reading the old conversation in the skype chat ( that I was ejected from ) and I tried sending a contact request to you, when I clicked on your profile I probably saw your username and whispered it, I didn't think anybody would hear.
I haven't. Idk what I learnt from these. I do feel bad, but I haven't learnt from the mistakes. I am sorry, but I have learnt. Plus I care a lot about these two people. Before I leaked her skype I asked her what her skype was and she wanted to keep it private. Then I said it to pretty much the most popular people in Mineverse