I'm in college. I do have plenty of things in mind to ask. Especially for the future. Although the advice is appreciated.
Someone is triggered Lol Dude its only Jokes If you get triggered this easily Dont be on the internet
I do understand the joke, but what you were joking about is quite serious and can offend many people. Maybe keep those types of jokes between your friends.
Make a list of things you want, most important-least important I would recommend a second monitor if you're really into gaming. A car would be great. But if all else fails, ask for money to buy things for when you decide what you wanted for your birthday.
Second monitor is already on the list. Car would be great, although I'm very picky on my cars.... and money is always great. Truh Shut up! You don't know nothing....about anything! You sit on a throne of lies! Buy it for me and we gotz deal.
Haha, I remember when KipKay did a video on one of these for April fools, gosh - it was like the biggest outburst in Youtube history :>:>