There should be more commands on GTA, These commands should be added :- /seen /pv 1 (Only one for God and above) /invsee (For Titan) /bid buy (On auctions) /heal (For Elite and above) All these commands are disabled Support: 3 Neutral:2 No support: 3 NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT SUPPORT THIS LEAVE A REASON.
This is great and all buy some of the commands wouldn't make playing GTA any more fun. If you were about to get killed you could do /pv 1 and store your stuff in it. If a titan did /invsee they could pick who to target and if possible just steal what they want from people. /bid buy is good and /seen doesn't have that much use. Sorry but no support. The /heal will go against the EULA since you could just do /heal when your close to dying.
I do agree that more commands would be useful. However they don't immediately have to be donation perks. So neutral for now.
Neutral Most of these commands would come in handy, but as stated above some are going against the Eula rules.