Actually considering that. I have (unwanted) pet spiders in my home. *not canada* Amount? And what should I spend it on? True. I assembled my computer in December of 2015. It's not necessary to upgrade immediately right now. Although I might just ask for a better graphics card while I have the opportunity. I was also thinking of going from an i5-4460 to a 6600K. However this would require DDR4 RAM modules and a new mobo. I might just do that and give my spare parts away. I have a bunch of them anyway. Netherlands. Located in Europe. And yes I should. If I wanted a car it would most likely be a Lamborghini, Mercedes Benz (I steal my dad's a lot) or a Land Rover. This isn't ''Sunday night with Zulf'' ffs. ==============================================================================Something I already had in mind is to ask for a second monitor. Seriously one monitor isn't cutting it for me anymore. Furthermore both my exes will most likely send me I'll have it double checked by border patrol.
2nd monitors are awesome! Once you go that way, you will never be able to use a pc the same again. Do you already have a vehicle of your own? If yes, you can ask for something for it. Other than gaming, what else do you like to do? My son, who has wayyyyyy too many video gaming items, has started asking family members for money or gift certificates for experiences. You could ask for a gift certificate for skydiving (if thats something you are into), amusement parks, etc. We have really made some awesome memories because of him asking for things like that.
Wink wink. Hot. Yes it is. Not yet. Although I'll most likely get a car next year. Don't have time for anything like that right now. Eh I wanna get a few things done for next year. A puppy, hardware engineering, computer science, things like that. Trying to think of productive things in that general direction. And I have been to almost every amusement park there is in the Netherlands. So that's a bummer on my end. Skydiving seems fun.
Hope you're not that idiotic, I don't suggest you joke about that even on the internet. You realize if someone reported this to the authorities you might get in some trouble and ask you some questions. I find that really sick that someone that's the age of probably a teenager or an adult trying to act "funny" please tell me you're not this idiotic. Now for this thread; Ask for some money, save up for college if you're not already in it. If you turn 18 you're an adult now and probably will be treated like one I suggest do something that you'll need to use for the future.