Hello I'm Em. My Ign is ErmHiEm me and a few of my friends were talking and we started the topic about a Completed Chat room. I've made this Thread to give people out there the idea for it and if you support it that would be very generous for you. We feel there should be a Completed Chat room just for us to chill out and chat I am thinking of a special room for us to chat and you know maybe have a little bit of parkour in there if we get bored. This maybe a stupid Idea but its just a suggestion and something to think about.
This should be in discussion. Anyways, what exactly will this be on if it is to be accepted? Teamspeak I'm assuming, but just for completeds? They have a chat room for Parkour, but not just for completeds. I think that would be cool to have a chat room for completeds on teamspeak or something. If this is on teamspeak, I suggest they make a whole new group named Completed so only we can access it. Ill support when its in suggestions.
Well what I feel like would be good is for us Completed players to have maybe a room for us to chill in on the parkour world a warp only for completed players to chill do mini parkour and chat like a zone where we can chat and not get spammed by people asking for help etc. Like I think we could have that like its just my own little idea I thought and a lot of people liked it so... Yea that's kinda my reason because besides the rank and the global thing on parkour claiming we completed parkour that's it I thought this could encourage more people to try harder and you know let then acknowledge there is more than just a completed rank you get a place to chill with it.
Yea I feel like this could motivate people to not give up so easily when they fail parkour, also Thanks for supporting.