Your in-game name: Connor_14 What timezone are you in? GMT What country do you live in? U.k What languages do you speak? English. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes, I use Bandicam and Banicut to record and edit. I then use Gyazo for screenshots 50 Post Count: Yes Two Factor Authentication: Yes 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums: Yes Moderators are required to have Skype or Teamspeak for offline communication: I have both. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a moderator for the following reasons: Experienced I've got experience when it comes to moderating. I know how to use Xenforo forums. I Know a lot of commands that this forum use, as It was very similar to what I've used on another server. I know how to identify hacks as well, if you look at all of my reports, they have all been accepted. Unbiased I have never been biased to anyone while I've been a staff member on other servers. I treat everyone equally. I've banned multiple friends, which can be hard and you'll get stick from doing it, but you applied to help the server and that's what I did. I plan on keeping it that way, if I ever was given the chance to help out with this server. Friendly I've a friendly person to talk to. I like to communicate with players in-game and on forums. I'm not a huge pvper, so I don't rage or get angry when I die to someone. I just get on with the game. I always try to be polite when someone talks to me, as I don't see the need in trash talking over a game. “Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you. Not because they are nice, but because you are.” Patience I'm very patient, I don't rush into a decision, if players are spamming me in-game to ban the hacker, I won't make any rash decisions until I know that. 1. I have enough proof and 2. that I'm satisfied with what I've recorded. Helpful I would say I'm helpful because I've played Minecraft for some time now, so I've got a good knowledge of the game in-general, but I also know a lot of commands for various game modes. If any player was stuck with anything or had any question relating to the server, I will do my best to figure out a solution or even solve their question. Organised I would say I'm fairly organised, as I have been staff before and I know how a ban log works. Normally you have 24 hours to upload your video to your ban logs, every server is different of course. If a player did appeal, then I would have no problem in finding my evidence. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Mondays: 4-5 hours Tuesdays: 3-5 hours Wednesdays: 2-4 hours Thursdays: 3-5 hours Fridays: 3-5 hours Saturdays: depends. Normally 4+ hours Sundays: 5+ hours How long have you been playing Mineverse? On and off for a year and a half. The last 6-7 months I've become more active. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) No I haven't. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes. CraftCadia/Crylin/Flowz The first fairly large server is Craftcadia. I applied during the middle of January after a friend of mine kept telling me to apply for staff as they thought I would be an ideal candidate for staff. I thought I had no chance as I has hardly known in the community, I was fairly quiet on the forums. The staff team must have thought, lets just give this guy a chance. I was promoted to helper on 29th January 2015 , Soon after a month of being Helper I was promoted to Moderator. I must have been doing something right to get promoted so soon. After 8 months of being a Moderator, I was promoted to Great-mod (Sr Mod). The player count on the server varied. When I was first promoted we were averaging 350-400 players during peak times. During January - May of 2016 we were averaging around 100 players, which was the lowest I've seen the server get since I started on the server. I was a loyal staff member on Cadia, I saw so many players/ friends leave, but I stuck with the server through it's highs and lows, a lot more lows but I grew as a person “coming out of my shell” you could say ;). I was taking on a lot more difficult situations, which I personally thought I handled well. I resigned as staff on their due to me losing interest in the server and the direction the server was heading. ZironeNetwork Second server I was a moderator on was “Zirone” I was the first Moderator to be promoted on the server before it's opening. I was staff on there for 3 months, before I was told I had to choose between Cadia or Zirone. I was then re-promoted on the 1st of May. I learned a lot from moderating on Zirone. As it was a fairly new server at the time. The owner was advertising meaning we were getting 100 players on a pvp game-mode. As there weren't many mods on for my time zone. I was used to moderating a large amount of players by myself. Outro I know I have to work on getting known in the community more and becoming more active on forums, which I'm trying to do. If you do say no support, could you please give me some feedback on what I could improve on. Thanks in advance. Connor My Reports. Banned/Already Banned: 278 Warned: 3 Denied/Lack of evidence: 0 No perms to ban: 1
No support. - Work on your activity both in-game and on Forums. - Do more reports. - Get to know the community better. Good luck! Literally all he does is reports. Maybe look before you make your claims? He is on UK timezone. Probably why you do not see him. Original Great app Connor. I have been waiting for this. So glad to see you apply. always respectful in game quiet and humble non-stop reporting active and friendly Best of luck to you.
While I do support, work on your activity on the forums. I don't expect to see you in game due to timezone differences, but you must be active with the amount of reports you have. Good luck.
If you're going to make false claims, at least make ones that are actually true lol. ------------------------- I rarely see a report count so high from an applicant, who's actually a productive and kind member of the community. I sincerely hope to see you as a mod.
Support, I've been doing a lot of your reports recently and you're usually active. Hope the best to you
(it's spelled organized just tryna help out ) You've moderated 2 servers I'm very familiar with as Loser#1 + Loser#2 served there. My first assumption is that you probably know what you're doing. I see often reports - definitely a plus. My only advice to become very familiar with how things work around here (since I haven't seen you much personally, could be time zones and crap) but I just find that important. Best of luck dude, I'm sure you'll get a shot here. (Support)
Support! I've been waiting for you to make your mod app since you told me you were gonna make it in 2 months, but ofc you made a lot sooner anyways you're really kind in-game, active and hardworking , and your timezone will be really helpful, whenever I'm on in the morning there's like 1 mod online because everyone are in US and they are sleeping :3 goodluck
All I could ask from you is to be more active in the other sections of the forums, not only in the report section. Support
Ahhhh!! I support ya! You're one of the persons I see online like everyday. <3 I don't know which gamemodes you play other than BedWars, but BedWars really need more moderating anyway. I don't see you actually chat that much, which might be why people haven't noticed you. You could possibly improve your activity in chat. You're also a hard working person who make a lot of reports on the rule-breakers who actually ruin the gameplay. Keep doing this! I freaking hope you get this, since you truly deserve it. I knew you would apply!!! xD Best of luck tho! You got my full support! <3