Hello as you may know there are more then 1 mineverse server ip! Mineverse.com .net and .org! theres also hellblock.net i believe... when connecting to any mineverse servers (Not hellblock ip) it gives me mainly a error: disconnected yep thats it just disconnected... and some times i get errors witch means the packets are to fast for my wifi or computer... i have a 6000 CPU Computer with 300 down and 26 Up wifi... i join all the time this just recently started... i pinged mineverse.com and got the ip:! when joining that it gives me this error witch can be found here: https://gyazo.com/1deda5ca47baadf4ffc1a1b4bf306115 and this happens every time i join that numbered ip :/ i looked this up and no one seems to have bad packet id: 123 :/ just stuff like 28... so please help with that... when looking up this error i came across someone saying ask the owner of the server to type: /unban ip [My IP] :P i doubt that works but a few ppl says it did for them... if an admin replys and says they would try it with my ip i will pm you my ip! so :/ anyways hope you guys can help me... if you need any more info let me know with a reply and i will give you more info! Thanks
Try skywars.com then going to lobby, otherwise try going onto other servers, If those servers don't work it's your wifi.
You cannot connect because you're banned. Create a ban appeal here http://www.mineverse.com/forums/ban-appeals.87/ and we'll work from there.
that isnt my ip but thankyou for bing concerned for me when i ping mineverse.com server ip thats the ip i get... that is not my ip... holy crap so many replys in like 30 secconds thanks guys lol but anyone got a fix? im doing that now skyblock.net is not a mineverse ip it brings me to a random skyblock server tried it no luck still just saying logging in... for a while then says disconnected and crap :/ my wifi is fine it is not my wifi... infact just re-installed java
... ok first... i saw this guy was trying to ban me for a sign on my plot that i did make a post to apolagise for... but :( #icry i will make an appeal :(
Closing as this has been resolved. If you need help creating a ban appeal start a conversation with me.