you're my bestfriend and you're like perfect and beautiful in everyway - so lucky to know you. ur also the only person I'd like die for. I'm basically lesbian for you too so hopefully we get married. I don't know you but I think you were the one with the obnoxious moderator app title. you kinda bugged me because you'd always post random stuff on random people's profiles for likes & post farm but I think it's changed a bit so you're cool. tbh you're like really awesome and helped me out when I first got mod and even bullied me some because you're a jerk but I love you. idk you too well personally but I see you around a lot. I mean you're cool I have nothing about you that bothers me so that's good I don't know you. I see you around lots doe Rodeen lol it's been a bumpy ride. we've gone from liking eachother to hating eachother (well I think you hated me anyway) too many times. hello blue I've seen you make reports (I think) and in game actually so yeah you're coo dude you're awesome and so friendly and we like the same music & stuff so yeah ❤️