Ya so i just logged onto mineverse and went straight to GTA and when i got on i saw my inventory was empty? and so i rushed to the bank and saw all my items on in my enderchest. I need some help please!
i know it looks bad but a lot of other people on gta said they lost all their items, even like the donor items and everything. @Janice999 @Matt @MaxNinja10 @NoMoreSanity
Well. You didn't include any: - Proof of item ownership or - What items actually were 'glitched away' . Here's bump, but I doubt your issue will actually be resolved, unless you add more detail and evidence... Sorry. Have a nice day
this happened to me on gat if u log on and reach out to me i can possibly refund your items for free (i have a lot)
A few players were reset on GTA a while ago just like what happened in KitPvP and Op PvP. There really is no solution to this so I am going to lock this thread. Locking & Archiving.