Okay It is easy what to do: Don't talk to anybody. Be direct, someone asks a question answer it then just shut up. Don't let the teacher call on you and if they do say you don't know. Dress like you came from a trash can recently, trust me. Think who your enemies will be. No real friends, you can only have fake friends. Wear all black clothing, you would be invisible. Don't listen to English,Science, or Math teachers. If you like art: Do the opposite as the teacher says, easy A or if you like PE: if they say don't hit someone you chuck it right at them, easy A+. Get into fights if anybody looks weird at you, square up and punch. They fight back then you RKO them. They can't suspend you if you take down the Principal. Don't carry around your backpack, it hurts your shoulders. On a test you make your own answers in Louisiana they will give you A+. When your in Math, throw things at the teacher, but don't say anything. Do the same with English and Science^^^ Don't be yourself, if you let others find out who you are then they find weaknesses which leads to bad things. Do your homework last minute, it helps you plus study last minute, it makes you know everything right before a test/quiz. You study to early=Failing to remeber it and waste of time. Use your phone in class, who cares? Your phone helps you more than the teacher. If a substitute teacher is teaching a lesson 100% DO NOT LISTEN, 95% of the time they are FULLY WRONG the other 5% they are partially wrong. Walk slow in the hallways. Always go to the bathroom no matter what, 2 times each block/class. Never go to the library if you have to, then just say you need to go to the Nurse. The Nurse=5-10 Minute Timeout=Time to chill and relax Dont do any clubs/progams, tbh nobody cares about what you did in middle school at ALL. Start doing clubs/programs in high school. If you play a sport, nobody cares if you play on the Middle School team. Don't be first to class, it just makes it awkward with you and the teacher... Normally you get 5 Minutes to transition from each class, try to get there in the 4 Minute mark, you won't be rushing late, but not awkwardly early. You get a bad grade just say that you still have potential next quarter/semester to do better. You fail the grade think you still go potential in something. If it is scary and intimidating then go to Home School and then go back to Public school for High School. Don't mention you play Minecraft, some people might think it is cool, but most people would just think REALLY bad about you, trust me. THE MAIN THING: If the real you is weird/strange then don't reveal it. Noone cares about the real you in 6th grade. College is when you should (if you go).
Biggest piece of advice I could give you, and this is coming from someone who tried very hard to fit in with people. Just be yourself, and have fun with it.
Oh, and don't do drugs. Ever. Any of them, besides for illnesses. Kids start doing them around middle school.
To tell you the truth as said above ^^^ on drugs You might go from not knowing anything about them, to knowing about ones people never heard of. In my experience: *was in high school though* I went from not knowing about drugs to after a High School Baseball team dinner knowing about that almost the whole team drank and smoked something. This one kid drank Splurge i think it was called, just stay away from it and if you have to make excuses. This one girl who was on NATIONAL TV for a big show, there is a video of her doing cocaine which is really bad for you. If that video got viral of her, her life would get ruined!!! Just stay away from that. Never send anything private just to get revenge or something like that, it would go FAR. One girl at my school was going to be going into senior year but commited suicide since her boyfriend leaked her private parts...
Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I know there bad, My parents will kill me if I use any of them. plus I don't wanna ruin my future so I wont use them.
Middle school isn't that bad. It's the easiest 2/3 years of your life because that's the time where you can discover yourself and try new things. Joining clubs and trying new sports. Don't go in there not talking to people, try to reach out to other people from different school, even if you didn't go to the same school. Those people could be great friends. Don't be scare to try something new, because this is the time you can experiment on what you like and what you don't like. Be active with school spirits, take part of school activity and just have fun. Middle school is where you can deep your toe in the water before taking the giant leap.
Don't be a snitch, just ignore. Don't make you look bad because some people who do that might do crazy things. Some people change, don't hold them back, remember keep your real friends close but you will always have fake friends