neds survival guide was the show lmao. middle school is like the worst 3 years of your life. well @ least it was for me
Middle School is easy and Fun! (for me) Im going to High School, and im scared xD Anyway! erm... Always bring gym clothes. Wear Deodorant! (if you dont so already) Be your self! Dont always think you have to Fit in with everyone else. Stick with your Group of friends! Dont be someone your not just to make friends. If you can carry around your Backpack, dont be on of those kids who hold their books instead of using their back pack. Walk Fast!!! Dont walk slow in the hallways, it Pisses people off. Welp... Thats all I can think about for now...
all of these tips are from personal experience -get acquainted with as many people on the first day as you can (try not to be shy, and don't worry about being nervous, I promise you everyone is nervous. don't let it show too much) - look approachable. dress nicely on the first day and try not to wear all dark clothing. prevent rbf syndrome (Google this if you don't know what it is) by thinking positively and staying calm - give compliments to people!!!! (not excessively though) - get your homework done as soon as possible. for example if you receive an assignment in a class, start doing it as soon as you have free time. lunch period is a rly good time to do homework. - participate in as many clubs and programs as you can without overloading. - don't use your phone in class. if you do then the teacher will take it and you won't see it for the rest of the day, maybe even a week. don't risk it, pay attention in class. - take notes, but not too many. write down the most important points. - if you need help with work at any time, ask your teacher as soon as possible. - most importantly, be yourself. middle school can seem scary and intimidating, but if you make the most of it it can be a great experience. the real challenge is high school (trust me). good luck!
I've always been that one kid that tries really hard to NOT get cancer from the clowns that go to my school, lol. A major piece of advice I will give is to not worry of what others think of you. Just be yourself and try not to worry too much. The last thing you want to do is be someone you're not. School is a very limited time in your life where you don't have to worry of crap like bills and stuff. Just try to enjoy it while you can, and make sure to do your work. I slacked off a lot during middle school, and it sucked really bad, haha. Don't be too hard to try and be "accepted" into cliques as well. Just go with the flow and have fun with it. :D