Hey guys, Jack I'm just going to tell you how to hack Pokemon Go. I don't use it, but I know how to do it so if you don't want to use it I would recommend not reading this thread. I will leave a link to a YouTube video my friend made, and I will also list the stuff. Spoiler: YouTube Video Spoiler: Dialogue Steps Go to iosemulatorspot.com ***Staff checking link**** Hit select a page and scroll down to tweaks Hit the Pokemon Go ++ Hit Get on the next page Click the Arabic link Hit cancel when it asks to open in App Store After Downloaded Go to settings Hit general Scroll down to Device Management Click the Shenzen related thing Hit trust app and trust again Once done open the app and sign in!! Everything will pop up on your legit account. Don't teleport or you may get banned.
Accounts are being permanently banned for using this. So...yeh. Just play the game like it should be played. Don't be a lazy jerk.
I walked outside for one day and my toes were killing me. So I use my bike and go really slowly and it's good enough for the eggs. The town I'll be living in for two months has over a 100 Pokestops so I'll be fine.
Rightttt oh my god I know too many people doing this and it's so hard to tell who even plays legit anymore.
You get a cookie for being smart How many people have agreed with almost every word someone has said in this thread XD Oml XD
lol just go to a big city and u get so much, i went to dc couple of weeks ago and almost every corner there is a pokestop