Hey guys. Just suggesting that KitPvP adds some repair signs to the new map. A Repair Hand sign for $7 (Like the old map), and possibly a Repair All sign for $35-$70+ The Repair All sign should be pretty high in price considering it will repair everything in your inventory. That's about it. Any comments to help improve this suggestion is very much appreciated. Thanks! Don't forget to vote in the Poll :D
Yes, it should be $10 per fix. Donors don't get a lot because of EULA on KitPvP, they should keep their /fix for free and make non donors work for theirs.
Support, and correct me if I'm wrong, but if this is added doesn't it mean that the donor ranks god + titan can keep their /repair ability?
Nope, EULA Compliants, If they get it free or a ./repair that is pay-to-win. Plus @GUSH3RINVADER That is definitely pay-to-win. Please understand what EULA is.