Much like other Map Builders have been saying, Infection's current map rotation is full of medieval themed maps. This is a modern styled map that will spice up the rotation by introducing a fast paced camping type of map due to it's many easily accessible (non-op) camping spots. Humans will have many spots to chose from when playing this map, but will have to be on high alert as one zombie slipping through their defense can easily turn their camping spot into their grave. There's also areas where humans can group up and fight the zombies in close combat, or try to hide til the end. The variety of ways this map can be played on as well as the modern theme it will bring makes this map a great viable addition to Infection. In-Game Name: Scorvix Map Name: Resort Gamemode for Map: Infection Plot: /p h Scorvix 3 (creative2) Video: I didn't show every reachable spot on the map because I want people to explore it for themselves. Note: Bedrock needs to be placed around the map, just to prevent the water from falling and having an old Hi-Jacked again. There wasn't enough room for me to do this myself. And since I can't get on creative2, I'd like one last look through to see if all the "secret" things around the map are as I remember making them, as I've made several edits to the map over time, improving it.
Support! I really like it! It's well designed and detailed. I hope it's going to be in the map list soon :D
Thanks Bezrs! I hope it is too. :> Thanks Reborn. Thanks Trixie. What do you mean by "Clean it up"? O_o Thanks Anna. Thanks Tyler. :D Thanks Alma. Thanks Moose.
Support Everything nice, on the ship please make that wood door just into like glass, that probably be where titan kit people would just camp, everything is great!