Just pointing out that Sr. Moderators aren't shown under members>Staff Members. Also Grats to the new Sr. Mods!
Nice idea Cypriot. It would be a nice idea if players could recommend senior moderators - using an application, providing valid points etc.
I'm happy this was added, but at the same point I feel like it isn't earned in the right way. Imo a mod who has been with the the server for a while, and who is an active mod should get this position, and imo it should have nothing to do with timezones.
It has nothing to do with Timezones. We had past timezone leaders who were leaders of their TZ. They all inherited Sr. Mod but it doesn't mean someone will be held back just because they are in a different zone. No.
Ah that makes sense. So basically a mod who is active and does their job has a good chance of becoming a Sr mod?
Removed the unnecessary posts here. Very glad this was added. Thanks to all the mods/head-mods who helped make this happen.