IGN/Team Name: SlowFudgeBalls Map Name: The Last of Us Gamemode for Map: Infection Description of Map: A "The Last of Us" based theme. A post-apocalyptic city with tons of green to hide yourself in. Screenshots/Recording: Other extra info: It's been about 10 hours of me and a friend making sure you cannot get in any overpowered spots like outside the map. (This is on creative)
If so many people want more stuff on this map (Details) then how did all those maps on infection make it. Some are completely empty.
I like this map but like the others have said I think the interior design of the buildings could be more detailed, other than that, support
Way to easy for the human team to win. We need more maps where there is a guaranteed final survivor not one with half of the lobby still remaining.
Have you been on the map? there are alot of barrier blocks blocking OP spots. Check it out and tell me your feed back.