I can relate a lot that's how I felt in middle school a lot of terrible things happened to me that I don't want to state. Or I'll cry on vacation.
I think it was back in November when I first met you, we talked while I was building my sugar cane farms on skyblock. I was completely unaware that you were going through this and I honestly didn't even think of it, I thought you were in great shape. Just goes to show that people can be very different to how they seem. Glad to hear it's all going well for you now, though.
I just read this whole story again, It made me think about my dark times. This time your story hit me even harder. Everything gets better <3
I really respect you for having the courage to put this up here. You are a brave person. I think I know how you were feeling when you were cutting yourself; I used to do it too. For a long I had a depression but I never let anyone know. Eventually, I got to cutting. You're right. It is addicting. Fortunately, I was able to stop before anyone noticed but for that month long period I really felt addicted. It was like I was on drugs. I'm really sorry that those people in school did that. People can be so mean. My cousin was burnt with cigarettes by some girls just because they liked him. I don't understand what is wrong with this world. Doing online school was a good choice.
Thank you for reading, love you ;p Thanks for reading as well, yeah unfortunately I wasn't as lucky as you and my family noticed my self harm. Resulting in therapy. And don't worry about the last part, I'm over it by now. I'm most likely going to see these girls again anyways because we are going to wind up in the same highschool.
Really emotional story.. just shared it with my bff via msg. So glad you got out of it, i'm sure this helped lots of people tbh. The friend I sent this to is going through something similar so really glad you posted!
Wow, when I see long stories like these, I just don't bother to read them... But, I read the entire thing. I can relate to so this sooo much. I am not in a good state of my life right now, but one day it will get better.
I ALMOST CRIED. I'm so glad you are over this and just like elephant lover said, I don't even read long things like this but again, I did. I read it twice lol good luck in life!! <3
I've had some dark times, which I sort of spewed out on a profile post on @Auzzi's profile, so I can relate to the rejection, weird looks at you, etc etc. Not really the cutting though, I haven't really gone to that sort of depression, or maybe I have a different way of projecting depression, which I think is anger and just being alone.
I've actually thought about committing suicide at one point in my life and my story is almost the same as yours. Instead of minecraft, football helped me a lot. To be specific, tackle football. What helped me win the game is to think about all the bad stuff bullies have done to me, and just imagine the other team were those bullies. I'm so sorry for what has happened to you in the past and I'm glad you are ok now. <3
1nd and I read the whole thing. I honestly can relate a lot except for the cutting part but I do feel depressed at times. Hopefully everything is better now and continues that way! Also I really think you should become an author :p
Hmm, I got the chance to read through all of this again, and I can definitely relate to some of the things you went through. :P I went through a ton of issues such as dealing with the loss of my mother, a lot of family struggles and being poor, constant harsh harassment in school all the way up until freshman year of high school, etc. I never actually inflicted self harm since I was too afraid, but I did contemplate doing such things during such times. I can definitely relate to the part of you crying often. I used to do the same after school, particularly in the fifth grade when things were dire and people plotted to kill me in class. Anyways, all of this has showed one thing, and that is you're a very strong and durable person. You're also very courageous to state your personal ordeals online too. The "online world" is not much different than the physical world, in terms of dealing with people and such. You're a pretty great person with good intentions, and you definitely didn't deserve anything that you went through. You just have to keep your head up high and keep fighting, because life's full of surprises - both good and bad. Most importantly is that you have to respect yourself. Don't ever harm yourself again, because it'll do absolutely nothing of your situation(s) whatsoever. Once again, you're very strong and a great person. Life is extremely short, and you'll realize this as you age on and on. I'm glad you're better now, and thank you kindly for making this thread! :D
Even though this is from May from last year, I managed to read the whole thing and I was glad that you were happy in the end