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  • Lithiium's mod application

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by Lithiium, Aug 3, 2016.

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    1. Lithiium

      Lithiium Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      Hello! My name is Kxngs and I am going to make another application. Before anyone says you have to many applications this is the only one open. I am going to take your comments on what I needed to do better and improve my application. So lets jump right on in to the application!

      How old are you?
      I am currently 13 years old.

      What is your in-game name?
      My in game name is Infxnity_. These are my past names:

      Kxngs (4/29/16-5/29/16)
      Lithiium (3/29/16-4/29/16)
      XxxxLionxxxX (2/28/16-3/29/16)
      xXxLionGamerzxXx (1/22/16-2/28/16)
      PowerMovesPvP (12/11/15-1/22/16)
      Boss_Lion38 (11/11/15-12/11/15)
      PowerMovesLion38 (6/29/15-11/11/15)
      3Grant8Miner (original)

      What timezone do you live in?
      I live in Pacific Standard timezone (PST)

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English, a little bit of Spanish, and a few words in French and German.

      Do you have 2FA enabled?
      Yes. I am secure.

      Do you have a recording software or something to record evidence?
      Yes, I have Bandicam and I can use Imgur to upload my screenshots.

      Why do you think you should become a moderator?
      There are numerous reasons I believe I should become a moderator. Now, here are the reasons.

      I am very active on forums and in-game. I am very active on forums and yes I don't have active member yet but I don't think that stops me. I play in game very often and I am on every day. I Play most of the gamemodes there are to play on Mineverse. The ones I don't play as often I am trying to work on being more active.

      Friendly/ non bias
      I consider myself to be a very friendly person. I also believe that my friends would agree with me too. I do my best to make friends with everyone. Whether it be moderators, Donators, non-ranked players, brand new players, or even hackers I will do whatever I can to be good friends to them. Also I will report anyone. It doesn't matter if they are my friends or not if they are breaking the rules just because they are my friend doesn't mean they aren't breaking the rules. I also try to be as positive and friendly as I can with anyone. This is a good trait to have as a moderator because you can't be biased at all.

      I also believe that I am also mature. I like to joke around but when I need to be mature It is very easy for me to do that. I have gotten way more mature within the past few months.

      I am also a very good leader. I have been a captain for my hockey team and I have also lead multiple games and projects at school.

      I am also very helpful. If someone needs help with something I will do my best to help them. If they don't understand one of the gamemodes for example Infection I can explain it to them. I also made a thread about prestigeing. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/infection-prestiging-in-depth.86973/
      I am also a hard worker. I like to get the job done as well as I can. I put a lot of effort into everything I do. This is a good trait for a moderator to have because they have to deal with a lot and also keep the community free of rule breakers.

      Fast at Typing
      I have a somewhat fast typing speed of 70 WPM. This is good so you can respond to things quickly and also type commands quickly.

      I have a good knowledge of all of the commands that are used by a moderator.
      /ban [player] [reason] appeal @mineverse.com~ Kxngs
      /tempan [Player] [Time] appeal @Mineverse.com
      /mute [player] [time]
      /kick [player]

      I also have good knowledge of hacks. I know what hacks people are using and If they are actually hacking.
      I have hacked in the past. I mean a while ago. I haven't done it on mineverse ever.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      I have been banned in the past and I am not proud of any of these bans. I know that all of these are valid banns and I have now learned from my mistakes. I have not been banned since and I don't plan on getting banned again.
      1st ban (in game) Death wishes. I said Kys not knowing what it meant. However I believe it was a fair ban because it still was a bad action.
      2nd ban (in game) Glitch abuse. This was only a 3 day ban and it was on infection.
      3rd ban (Forums) Alt. This was a 1 day ban. I made an forums alt on April fools day as an April fools joke.

      Do I have any experience as a moderator?
      I have been a moderator on 2 servers. One is a server that a few of my friends on here play on. It isn't played on anymore. I also was on another server owned by some people I know. I resigned from there because It only had a max of 10 players a day.

      One thing to add
      I also wanted to add that I help make the school newspaper.


      Thank you to all of those who support. And also give me feedback if you don't support. Thank you for your time!

      Support count
      Support :) -
      Neutral O_o -
      No support :mad: -

      If you made it this far this is just a tbh :P
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    2. Lithiium

      Lithiium Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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    3. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Moved to correct location.
    4. Lithiium

      Lithiium Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      Close this this please. This was meant to be in off-topic as a joke :P
    5. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      okay. ;)
    6. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Thread locked on request.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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