I have bought myself the God rank on mineverse, but now, I will probably be banned until I have kids, so I realize that I have spent 100$ just to be banned and Lose it all. I could report this server to Mojang for not being EULA compliant. It would be stupid if I was still unbanned, but now, since I have nothing to lose, I could really do that.
cutie please stop hating on the server, you did what ever the hell you did and got yourself banned! deal with it. Stop crying. Btw I'll be surprised if someone even marries you and has children with you.. YOU'RE SO ROOD
Ohh I get it, you're trying to say you'll never be unbanned. Anyway, we honestly don't care if you report us, because we're already on the blacklist, like hello? Other servers are on it, and are also avoiding upgrading to 1.9.4. So why don't you also report them for And it's your fault you got banned, you should've thought about what you've done before purchasing a rank, lol.
I find it quite disgusting that you are having a super meltdown if you followed the rules that took hours out of the time in the head staff you wouldn't of been banned, Threatening us with reporting the server is not going to work for you as we are trying to comply with the eula, I find it quite rude and selfish that you would threaten us like this.
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