Thanks to @Torch for reminding me of this issue. Hey guys! Just a quick suggestion I personally think should be added on Mineverse: Those apart of the staff team spend tens, to even hundreds of hours in-game and on the forums. They help the server remain relatively stable, and personally take the time out of their own lives to help this community. It's all entirely out of free service, while the owners profit. But you know what happens when the moderators retire on here? Absolutely nothing. They receive nothing. All of the hard work they put into this server, and all the personal time they take out of their lives -and for what? No rank. No form of appreciation. Nothing. They get a nice "thank you," and that's it. Back to being a regular player, as if you were one all along. All of the dedication and work just for nothing. It's really sad, honestly. Every other server I've been on, including the one I staffed on, all serve their retired staff with some form of recognition. This is why I am suggesting that retired staff should receive something more than just a profile post. Perhaps a "retired staff rank" on the forums, or a rank in-game? Perhaps a free upgrade to their rank in-game? Any form of appreciation would be better than the way it is now. I understand some people may not expect anything in return for their service, but I think they deserve some recognition for their hard work nonetheless. - I know it's a game, but there's some who actually take their position seriously, and truly express great dedication to Mineverse. It's really sad to just see these people return to being a regular player, without any title or recognition to carry with them for their services. Thank you all for reading, and I hope this can be added in the future.
Isn't it weird that you get MVP or a rank upgrade if you are top voter but you get nothing when you moderated?
Maybe a tag wouldn't be a good idea, eventually we'd be seeing too many tags around the place. A rank upgrade or something along those lines would suit better.
I personally agree, though this suggestion is open to a variety of possible additions. Thanks for the feedback.
I think they definitely should have something like this. I know the staff are technically volunteering, but I doubt the owners would lose anything from giving their retired staff members a special rank with a few perks. Support, for the server itself especially.
No support, we volunteer for the position. If you want to help just do it and always do your best and expect nothing in change. If you need something in change just charge for it from the beginning. We already have a 5 points trophy lol
People will just apply for the rankup. People will be promoted, then resign asap just for that free upgrade. I think a tag would suffice.