IGN poooauly Age:14 What will you bring us? Im a MVP and im good at pvp and i have knockback 15 stick and sword 70/100
Age: 12 IGN: Xeprex_RB What will you bring us? Gapples and great pvp skills Rate yourself in pvp from 1-100: 88 What rank are you in Mineverse: Default rank
Age: 11 IGN: sooperaya What will you bring us? i will bring some sharp 10 and knock back 10. sry thats all i have. and i can also bring diamond armour if anyone's diamond is breaking. Rate yourself in Pvp from 1-100. 95... I'm honest. not to brag.. What rank are you in Mineverse? i have no rank in mine verse. i only have rank commander in kit pvp. Thx -SooperAwesome