This Is A Help Guide to ensure the best possible application. Remember that being a moderator isn't all fun and games. You'll have people needing you're help 24/7 and you'll have barely have any time to play. However, you need to realise that people are sometimes in a better position to be a Moderator than you, now to become one, try to be a Active Member or better yet, a Well-Known Member. Age Requirements - I don't think there's any requirements since people whom are 11 get chosen. (like @MrParkourGuy) If you're application makes it seem like you're 15, but you're actually 10 or 9, you might get away with it. Grammar and English skills - I see dozens of people capitalise every word thinking it's professional; it's not. Just annoying. For example "I Think I Should Be Mod Because I See A Lot Of People Hacking And I Want To Ban Them" if frankly quite annoying. Secondly, don't show of you're English skills and write unnecessary words; "I'm a awesome, independent motivator and I love playing on this amazing, awesome server!" If your grammar is quite bad, it would be the decisive point that would deny you the role. Before creating one, check back and see any bad grammar, and punctuation. If it doesn't make sense, improve on it. How long you've been playing - If you create a application a week after you join it'll be denied. Give yourself one month playing time before creating a application. Add extra Information! - Just because there is a layout, doesn't mean you can't add extra information about yourself, the prize might be worth it! Add some personal info so people can get a good reading about yourself. Don't say you're better then someone else; you'll start a war and it'll lower you're chance. Be Honest. Have common sense Give proof about servers you've been a moderator on. (Don't say the ip, just the name) If it's private, don't add it in. If it's public, then count it in. Don't brag and say you're supper advanced, be honest and modest about yourself. Say why YOU should be chosen, as well as the skills/qualifications you have. Have a good reputation. Be smart with your decisions Topics to write in your application ("Why do you think you should become a moderator") - Many people have problems knowing what to write. So here's a list of topics you could include. You can diverge them any way you want:.. How your nice How your friendly How your active How your helpful How your good with commands How your known around the server How you trusted How your quick with commands How you'll make an impact to the server How your mature How your responsible How your dedicated How your fair How your smart How your levelheaded You'll not get staff if: You've been banned 3 or more times You've begged for the position You've had a bad reputation You've peeved off @CypriotMerks or @Noobcrew You've recommended yourself You've used an alt to "support" yourself If you don't get chosen, don't worry! Apply again next month and continue to help people to the best of you're ability! Finally, DON'T post multiple applications, DON'T create a thread about you're application, DON'T copy someone else's application and DON'T, and I can't stress this enough, DON'T remind moderators about your application. They'll be immediately denied.
Nice guide, however I noticed something: You said: "If you're grammar is quite bad" that is actually incorrect grammar, since it should be "If your grammar is quite bad" XD But nice guide
I was supposed to write your but sometimes auto-correct changes it to you're when I write really fast! Thanks for the look out!