wont log back in, was nice looking around at old familiar people -- if you wanna catch up discord: keegod
Miss my goat stacker real ones remember this blue vs stacker https://youtu.be/4prDE3lOIyM?si=47rJTpvwtwEmq4SN
Anyone I ever knew on here my old ign used to be Blueman05 when I was 11 years old wow time flies, if you see this and I knew you my twitter/x is cycclones
Out of all of my friends from my old friend group on the server, I've managed to reconnected and say my goodbyes to every single one of them except one. @belluu, if you see this reach out some time!
hi i used to play back in maybe 2k14 on prison, can i ask is there a way for me to check out that old world and see my old bases?
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii I am mainly a player on skyblock.net but someone showed me this server also!!! Hi and glad to be here.