As most of you know, bedwars is a thriving mini game that is accumulating new players everyday. Some of these players are clueless about how you effectively play this mini game. This is why I created this in-depth guide/how to on how to play bedwars! Beforehand: There are 4 teams. Red, blue, green, and yellow. You can choose which team you'd like to be a part of in the waiting lobby using either the bed in your hot bar or right clicking one of the colored sheep displayed. There is a maximum of 6 players to a team. Once there are at least 12 players, a countdown will start. When the countdown reaches zero, the game begins. The Basics: The objective of bedwars is to break the opposing teams' bed. Each teams' bed will be found on their own respected island, and will be in different places depending on the map in which you are playing on. The maps that are available to be played are Autumn, Temple, Spiral, Desert, Texas Massacre, Windmill, Skyline Restaurant, Snow Islands, and Abandoned Mines. As long as you have your team's bed, you are able to respawn. Because of this factor, it's always good to be extra cautious and to heavily protect your bed. On your island (for the exception of the Windmill map as gold will be in the center), there will be 3 different blocks, these blocks being clay, an iron block, and a gold block. These blocks will spit out resources (bricks, iron, and gold) which you are able to use to trade with the villager on your island. You can get items ranging from tools, weapons, potions, blocks, and more. Strategy: Bedwars is heavily based around teamwork and strategy. It's a bit harder to win solo or with a small team (unless you are skilled) rather then with a team of 4 - 6. It's best to play with a group of friends or others you know that are good at the mini game so it's less likely you will have trolls/people who don't know how to play on your team. Within your team, it's good to have each person play a role (EX: Builder, PvPer, Support, Rusher, ETC) so you can maintain a good balance and won't make you the target for other teams. Some strategies I find effective are camping, surprise attacks, building from underneath islands, and rushing. You can also buy an enderchest from the villager for the measly price of 1 gold. If you put items into the enderchest, they will carry over to the next game you play on that sub-server. Be Aware: Some actions on this mini game are an offense and you will be properly punished (EX: Warned, banned, ETC). Here are some things you should refrain from doing. Trolling Rude Language/Comments (Cussing, Bringing up inappropriate topics) Hacking Team killing Here are some things you should take into consideration. On the bedwars map Windmill, if you are on the red team, you cannot build DIRECTLY to center as you will fall. However, you could build from the side to avoid falling due to this glitch. On some maps, you are unable to fully build to the center. Beware! People are very sneaky and can rush you at the start of the game. Be extremely cautious at all times in-game. There are many hackers on this mini game so I suggest you start recording whenever you run into one. You can file a report under the "Report" section on the forums. Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps clear up any questions you have on the subject of bedwars. If you think I missed anything, I'd appreciate if you could comment what I missed down below! Thanks! KimchiNuke~
This is amazing. I know how to play Bedwars, but now I know about the Red team glitch on Windmill, and how to have an effective strategy for my team. Thanks for this
Yay! I thought I was good enough at that game until I saw this and realised I am a complete noob... Thanks for this!
There's already a thread on this that was pinned; Nice guide though.