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  • NA Pile_of_Butts Moderator Application [Forum Admin | Global Moderator]

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by PiLe, Aug 7, 2015.

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    1. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      Welcome to my moderator application

      Hello. For those of you who don’t already know me, my name is Pile. I was lucky enough to have worked for this server for a little more than 9 months and resigned in October of last year. I am applying to hopefully serve the community again and wanted to introduce myself and give you a little insight to my history here and hopefully help you learn a little bit more about me. I’m so excited to meet you. For those of you who already know me I would like to begin with an apology. I’m sorry I let you all down. I never should have left you and I regret it everyday. All I can do now is hope for your forgiveness and a chance to make it up to you. I gave this server 110% and if given the chance I promise I will give it 110% again.

      My message to Merks
      Cyp, I should have come to you when I was feeling frustrated and wanting to give up. I never should have posted that resignation thread and I am sorry. At the time I was under extreme stress. I felt like it was in my best interest and in the best interest of my son that I step down from staff. I betrayed your trust by leaving you without talking to you first. I promised I would never leave you and I did. You were my friend, and I blew it. I know my decision to leave broke your trust and I may never get the chance to get that back, but please know I truly am sorry. I would give anything to get back to where we were a year ago. I would love to serve you and this community again. I know you know that. I hope that you find it in your heart to let me back so that I may help this staff team and offer my hand wherever I can. Thank you Merks.
      How old are you?

      Your in-game name:

      What timezone are you in?
      Pacific Standard Time

      What country do you live in?

      What languages do you speak?
      English & Spanish

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I am a long time member of this server community since October of 2013. Over this time I have gotten to know more members than I can count. I have made long lasting friendships as well as helped lead some of the older staff members here still today. I work well with people and adapt easily. I was a highly dedicated staff member here for more than 9 months. I lead a team of staff members and didn’t need a rank to do so. I showed respect to each and every staff member as well as respect to each and every player I met in game or here on the forums.

      I present a warm personality that I believe promotes positivity and happiness. I like to keep people happy and to serve. Should I be accepted back as staff on this server I promise to serve each and everyone of you to the best of my ability. I am not that great at describing myself but I will leave it open for comments here from some respected members of the community and let you decide. Some traits I have that will assist me in moderating are:

      I work in price management and have been the assistant lead for almost 14 years with my company. I am required to list locations of every item by UPC code along with it’s location on the shelf throughout my entire store. This requires me to be highly organized in my work… and quite possibly borderline obsessive compulsive.

      Time management
      Being a single mother, working a full time job as well as admin’ing a minecraft server calls for a ton of my time. It would never be possible if I wasn’t good at managing the time that I have to complete all my daily tasks. I’ve been working for servers for close to 2 years now and feel that I have gotten quite good at dividing my time.

      Like some sort of a lifelong friendly disease, I am friendly to no end…
      I love meeting new people and getting to know what makes them tick. Making people's day a bit brighter always brings a smile to my face and I never miss an opportunity to help people.

      I have worked for several accomplished servers over the last 2 years and feel that I can use that experience here to improve wherever needed. I've went into greater detail below.

      Leadership qualities
      It seems wherever I go and whatever I do I end up leading. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing I just wish I knew what it was about me that made it happen…
      Maybe my age, or experience.
      Possibly my personality and attitude.
      Maybe a combination of all?

      In my 22 years of working an 8 hour day, I have learned how to be quite productive. Staying on task and not stopping until I get the job done is part of my everyday routine. I have to be productive or I would never get my work done. This goes for the workplace and at home.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      1-3 hours in game.
      4-8 hours on the forums.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Since October of 2013

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      Yes, for upsetting the boss. [​IMG] (Sorry Merks ily <3)

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      mineverse.com: "Moderator" January 18th, 2014-Oct.4th, 2014 (9 months) Resigned.

      [Internal Promotions]
      Head Guard: May 2nd, 2014-Sept. 11th, 2014(4 months)
      Prison Warden: Sept. 11th, 2014-Oct. 4th(1 month)

      I was a moderator in charge of leading a staff team as well as helping in some of the promotion process. Leading the staff team was unofficial, and not required of me. I never planned for it to be that way, but my age and motherly personality had me leading without trying. I was a highly respected staff member, and dedicated more time than I can count to the server and community. As MV was one of my first public servers it holds a special place in my heart.

      Skywars.com: "Moderator" July, 4 -Sept. 10 (3 months)
      Skywars is a large server averaging 300 players at any given time.
      I had normal moderation duties that included chat monitoring as well as handling any client rule breaking.

      Skyblock.net: "Forums Moderator" August 2nd - Oct. 4th (2 months)
      It is a fairly large server, averaging 300 players with a large forum user base. I was the only forums moderator in charge of keeping the forums nice and tidy. All front end work.

      TheHeliosNetwork: "Forums Administrator" "Global Sr. Mod" Oct.16, 2014-Jan, 2015(4 months)
      Helios was a small hub server that offered Creative, Prison and Factions.
      I held the highest ranking staff position next to "Admin". I was given full admin panel and was shown how to use/moderate my way through XenForo backend. I helped create nodes and learned some basic CSS coding. Forum permissions, ranks, anything basic level backend.

      TheChunk: "Helper>Moderator" Oct. 4th, 2014-Feb, 2015(5 months)
      TheChunk is a large hub server averaging 500-600 players. It offered several mini-games all of which were custom and original to the server. I had regular moderator duties in game.

      CraftCadia: "Site Support/Administrator" "Staff Manager" January,4th 2015- Present
      [Internal Promotions]: Helper>Forums Admin>Moderator>Site Support/Staff Manager(core staff)
      CraftCadia is a relatively large server averaging 300-400 players. Currently I am site support/administrator in charge of running the buycraft webstore([email protected]) as well as full admin panel access on forums for everything needed backend. Support is opped in game as it's Support's position to promote and demote members of the staff team and fix bugs and issues as they arise. I also handle rank purchase issues or anything buycraft related. I have console access although that will change as we are moving away from what we are using currently.
      As far as forums for CC, I built nodes and categories. Manage permissions within to restrict access as well as give default forum users access to navigate freely. While staff on CC I have had much experience in XenForo and custom CSS coding for our prefixes, staff ranks and banners.

      Which two servers would you like to moderate?
      I am applying for full global moderator permissions so that I may optimize my full potential as well as Forum Administrator(if the position is at all possible). I would like to extend my experience and help utilize my abilities to be as useful as possible.
      I made this app only to help this server should Cypriot and Crew feel my help would be useful.
      My way of giving back to the community I left behind.
      I would give anything in my power to help this community once again.
      Thanks for reading.

      Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
    2. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Support of course. Every last drop, 100%.

      Pile, you are everything I would want in a moderator and/or forum admin. You are...
      • Smart
      • Active
      • Kind
      • Experienced
      • And much much more
      I would love to see you up hold either of these positions very soon. Good luck and I really hope I see you with a prefix around the corner. Only good will come from it.
      Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
    3. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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    4. Nightfire

      Nightfire Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2015
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      Pile your one of the best people I know here. You were a wonderful moderator before and it would be a pleasure having you back. You are a nice and a awesome person to be a moderator. I hope you get accepted and do well because you truly deserve this position.

      Support. <3
    5. DuskShadow

      DuskShadow Active Member

      Jun 19, 2014
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      Definitely Support. I remember you from the old days. :)
    6. thorraks

      thorraks Guest

      Pile, You're always a good staff member and i've been best friend with you for months and you've never abused for me or anyone even when i was asking you to :t:. Plus you are very used with command and with the admin panel on xenforo so it will be very easy for you. I support you.

      Mineverse needs you.
    7. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      Words cannot express how much I support you Pile.
    8. Javid

      Javid Experienced Member

      Jul 17, 2014
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      Support, You may not know me. But i am a good friend of @WolfWhisperer Thor, And @BurningDesire they have said great things about you. You seem like a great staff member, Support 100%
    9. Coastic

      Coastic Boss Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      Support 100%

      I've known you for a long time, I knew you did beyond an outstanding job here as global moderator, and you've always been so nice to everyone that needed help. There's no doubt they you'd be great back as a staff member here. Good luck <33
    10. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      SUpPort. I remember when you were a mod, you were fantastic. I'd like to see you back in the staff team.

      Good luck Pile! :>
    11. PayUp

      PayUp Well-Known Member

      Jul 6, 2014
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      HOLY SHOOT!!! I never thought I would see the day <3!! You already know my answer support.
    12. Ninja

      Ninja Legendary Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      Yes please.
    13. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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      Mod now pls support
    14. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      mmm Pie......

    15. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      I told you I'd log on to just say SUPPORT
    16. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      omg support plz all des mods suck
    17. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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    18. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      100% support. We need you back.
    19. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      Camel got upset that he was forum banned currently and couldn't post his support.
      He sent this to me over Skype and I promised him I would post it for him. :> <3
    20. Ponyknight99

      Ponyknight99 Well-Known Member

      Feb 19, 2015
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      Do I need to say anything? Support
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