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  • Server tips: Not Quitting

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cryptic, Jan 8, 2015.

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    1. Cryptic

      Cryptic Experienced Member

      Dec 26, 2014
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      I have decided that the server is getting hard, and boring to play for many reasons. Everyday I am getting put down by being called easy in pvp, when I could easily fight and beat them, I am being called a no lifer on op prison, and the pvp experience on this server is crap. I'm sorry to say this but the hit detection and glitching frequency on kitpvp is going out the roof. I can go on and on about all the problems wrong with this server and it is really getting to me.
      I would like to talk about how mods don't act as mature and as responsible as they should. Yeah yeah, they might act mature, but does that mean they are responsible? The mods don't know what good pvp is, all the mods give out different punishments for different things, inactivity of the mods, and how bias the mods are. I have been perm banned in the past for a homophobic comment, then someone else gets reported for another homophobic comment, and THEY GET WARNED INSTEAD OF BANNED. I know I may not be as popular as Dontchallengeme, but that is no excuse for him to have less of a punishment. I think that there needs to be more mods in Australia/Newzealand, and more mods in general, because it is often only 1 hour of the day that 1 mod is on. This is totally ridiculous. I would also like to speak about how the owners should make more mod ranks. The only staff ranks are: mod, admin, and senior mod, and there the only senior mod is scofu13. I think that there should be: helpers, mods, admins, owners, head admins, etc. for there to be a more efficient moderating system.
      To my second topic about how there are so many additions that need to be added to op prison. I know you may say "Oh but the server is new". Well if the server was ready, shouldn't it be finished? I mean, you could have beta tested it like other servers do. This is not a thread to offend cyp/crew or anything, but there are several things that are essential for op prison servers. Here is the list: potions need to be added, vines and items to make plots look nicer need to be added, armour needs to have added unbreaking on it, and picks need to be completely nerfed. I think that the server is still a newbie server that is struggling.

      To my third point about how basic the server is. I would just like to say (not to be offensive) that the builds on this server are the sort that you wouldn't expect from a 1k+ player base server. I would offer to do builds for the server, but unfortunately I don't think I could get into contact with cyp/crew to do anything for them. Take an example as the kitpvp spawn, all it is a hole in the wall, a very basic spawn that needs to be updated. Also the splash potions don't work, and it has been like that for at least a year! Atleast update the kits so that they don't have splash pots. Now don't just say in the comments "Oh the owners have lives aswell", because even I could do a better job than them, and I don't even know plugins like them.

      To my fourth point about the players being rude and noobish. I swear to god on op prison I'm about to die crying about how rude players are on op prison. I struggle to msg everyone because people spam me 24/7 which makes it ridiculously hard to talk in game, and makes me offended every time someone says "You have no life" or "You're ez". I would also like for hacksauating to be against the server rules. I get called a hacker everyday, but I would gladly screenshare and show you my pvp skills. It is ridiculous how people treat each other on this server and I would love it to be magically fixed. And to the people being a noob? Well the only reason there are a lot of noobs on this server is because IT IS a nooby server. If there were to be good players on this server you would actually have to have a good environment to pvp in, and a pretty looking, and professional spawn.

      I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but this is mostly a job for the owners to fix and would really like if they could do some things to improve the server's quality, because as of now I may be quitting. Oh btw, I can't rank up to ares on op prison because it says I'm too high of a rank, like wtf! Please don't say in the comments below "Oh the owners have lives too" because I don't think any server that has 200+ players have as bad server as this. I really don't want to offend anyone here but I really need to get it out, and it is really frustrating not knowing that the server will get better some day. I've been playing this server for over a year now (@legends152 ) and I have barely seen any improvement on things. I would really like these things to be considered and done. Oh btw, if you want builds done, ask me or hire a build team, it is really worth it in the long run.

      Go look in the recent intros, a lot of people leaving... I'm just trying to get the message out there that the server needs a lot of improvement.

      Thanks, Cryptic_Luxury.
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
    2. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      aha I feel you man play on the server I play on now it's heaps fun and it's real factions
    3. Blocky

      Blocky Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      It's sad to see you leave dude :(
      I liked pvping with you! :)
      I hope you decide to come back to this server one day. But you are right mineverse does need some improvements
    4. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I feel you man, I feel you.
    5. Confused

      Confused Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      This is all true.
    6. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      na sh1t
    7. logfin825

      logfin825 Experienced Member

      Oct 2, 2014
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      Thats why 50% of minevesre is leaving
    8. Freckle

      Freckle Experienced Member

      May 1, 2014
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      Yup, this server and community has so much potential but the "staff" don't see that. They need to change a lot. As for you cryptic, sail on sailor.
    9. joecobo_

      joecobo_ Experienced Member

      Nov 18, 2014
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      You can't seriously be trying to pin all of this on the staff.
    10. Westlee

      Westlee Active Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      I'll miss u me and u had quite a few good fights on kitpvp
    11. Freckle

      Freckle Experienced Member

      May 1, 2014
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    12. Westlee

      Westlee Active Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      Am I right your rank "z" on op prison I think that was your name I saw people probably msg u a lot because your rank but honestly if u mine for a couple hours u can keep ranking up not that hard
    13. Westlee

      Westlee Active Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      They need to have a bigger kitpvp spawn because your inventory glitches and moves on your screen because the players every where I had 15 normal gold apples and I was moving them to different slot in my hotbar and the inventory lagged and it dropped them on the ground and a kit fight person got them thats a lot of money wasted
    14. ShonalFromRaxs

      ShonalFromRaxs Boss Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      I don't know why but I fully agree with all your points in some ways I am rude it pvp but thats only when there rude...
      I am sorry to hear you get called names and such (even doe I was on of them who use to)(I am sorry too)
      I hope you do return, Bye
      Gl with your new server
    15. ZeldaNinja

      ZeldaNinja Boss Member

      Dec 6, 2014
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      :( ull be missed, IF U LEAVE which u don't have to !:ah Please don't although If you must, you must.:artist:
    16. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Don't leave Cryp :( I think your cool, and tbh, I really like seeing you on OP Prison.

      I agree with all your points though.
    17. Bloo

      Bloo Active Member

      Dec 25, 2014
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      I agree.
      Another point I'd like to add is how slow they are with the donation problems and glitches. Shouldn't people's money (that supports the server, and help it keep going) be put as the first priorities in their to-do list? My brother and I have paid our money, for literally nothing, as of now. I mean no offence, but I seriously dislike this.

      I also agree with your moderators point. If you read my previous posts on @Fruit1k 's moderator app, I point out how most of the moderators are very young. Being mature doesn't cut it, in my opinion. Age DOES matter. Why? Because of experience, because of the way you think, people's minds change the way they think as they grow. No matter what, these twelve/thirteen/fourteen year old moderators will surely be annoying to some people. Hire people who have experience, who know and who can identify problems and actually perform something that fixes these issues because right now, that isn't happening.

      With the OP Prison chat issue, I also agree. No offence to @PandaBear__ and @Badlerner , but even when they're online, it seems impossible to keep up a casual conversation with a friend because of the continuous spam. They mute and kick, but I've only seen it happen once. Proof of non-stop spam can be found on one of my threads, but no one in the staff are doing anything about it. Scamming is also a problem, making a report thread for one person sounds like a bunch of work; and generally people don't like doing that. A simple ./report or a small investigation could fix this, but nothing, once again, happens.

      And not to mention the wall at ranks K to O. The mines N and O are bad, and M (in my opinion) isn't good enough to rank to P.

      To the owners and co-owners, if you really truly want this server to strive and continue to be ranked as second on minecraftservers.org, then fix these issues as soon as possible and put more thought into who you're hiring to keep the server clean and entertaining. The server is slowly dying, and we all need to do something about it.

      I've also heard, and seen, hackers in BvZ, KitPvp, OP Factions, and OP Prison. I would have thought that the plugins for hacking would have finished the job, maybe an update is needed, not too sure. But I'd have expected better plugins on a server that is ranked second in one of the popular voting websites.

      ./rant. Sorry, but the server needs some serious makeover, maybe not that serious, but a day or two to fix everything. We all need to do something about this, because I'd hate to see the server die along with the (generally speaking) friendly and caring community. Can we hear something from one of the owners or something, to at least let us know what they're working on? All I see on the Home page is people being given free donation ranks, and miscellaneous things. None of them are about fixes, glitches, bugs, moderators, hackers and scam.
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
    18. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      Everything overall, I feel you.
      Especially this

      Stupid right? Just because they're 'cool' doesn't mean they shouldn't suffer from the same punishments as people who do the same wrong.(less popular)
    19. Cryptic

      Cryptic Experienced Member

      Dec 26, 2014
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      Totally agree
    20. Obama

      Obama Experienced Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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