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  • The Death Dome Episode 6

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TeamTyler, Feb 2, 2016.

    1. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Tyler was on the dock, as normal.
      "Previously on the Death Dome, Chiyami kidnapped me and tried to take over the show. What a bish. Anyway, Viola rescued me, meaning she got to eliminate anyone of here choice. In the end Kat was killed, and Kentucky got eaten by Chiyami. We are down to our final 6 now. What will happen? Find out now!

      Johnny: "Done nothing in my life lol. I made it this far."
      Abi: "Final 6. I wish Abby was here."
      Rose: "How did this lazy girl get this far? Simple, she used an axe."
      Versic: "I never won any challenges, I never did bad in any challenges, I never received any votes. It's like people don't even realize I'm here."
      Viola: "Duh, of course I make it here. Shame Crimson died in Episode 2 tbh."
      Ashley: "I still miss Jacques. This is tough, but I am tougher!"
      *End Confessional*

      Abi was roaming around in the kitchen. She found a packet mix for chocolate brownie cake. She decided she was going to make brownies.
      After a while, she finished making them. She brought them into the dining room.
      "They look beautiful!" yelled Johnny, "can I have one?"
      "Not yet," said Abi, "they aren't at the table yet!" She put them on the table. Everyone grabbed a piece.
      "Yum," said Versic.
      "Oh YUM!" Johnny scoffed his. Everyone was enjoying them. Johnny went to grab another piece. Versic stopped him.
      "No seconds until everyone has had one," he said. Johnny frowned. Nobody else wanted anymore, and they all had one each, so Johnny scoffed the rest.
      "REALLY JOHNNY?" yelled Abi, "That mix made 30 slices, and you just ate 25 of them!"
      "Uh oh," muttered Johnny.
      "Yes, uh oh!" Johnny then started getting fatter and fatter.
      "Oh no!" he yelled. Everyone then heard a deafening farting sound. Johnny started shrinking.
      "DEADLY FART POWER!" he screamed. The fart got louder, and smellier. It eventually stopped.
      "Is everyone alright?" asked Abi. She looked around. Everybody but Rose responded. Rose was lying on the ground, dead.
      "Oh s***!" yelled Johnny.
      "Yes, oh s***!" yelled Viola, "you fat fu-"
      "Woah!" yelled a voice. Tyler walked in. "Who died?" Everyone pointed at Rose.

      Johnny: "I feel really bad, but it was worth it!"
      Abi: "On second thought, maybe brownies were a bad idea."
      *End Confessional*

      The final 5 were prepared for the final 5 challenge!"
      "Alright!" announced Tyler, "as you can see, there are 5 baskets, each with your face on it."
      "We can see that thank you," muttered Viola.
      "I am giving you each 6 rocks!" announced Tyler.
      "Oh, that's totally going to help me make brownies," muttered Abi.
      "You are going to put them in the baskets!" Everyone stared.
      "That's it?" asked Versic.
      "You can give whoever you want rocks, whoever gets the most rocks at the end, wins. If you go over 12 though, you are disqualified from the challenge!"

      Viola: "Will everyone fill my basket to make me lose, or will everyone ignore my basket to make me lose? This is a hard decision. I think all 6 rocks can go to me!"
      *End Confessional*

      Viola put 6 rocks into her basket.

      Johnny: "Can I eat them?" *bites one* "Nope."
      *End Confessional*

      Johnny gave everybody one rock each, but 2 for Viola.

      Versic: "I hope I make the right choice."
      *End Confessional*

      4 rocks went to Viola, and 2 for Versic, from Versic himself.

      Abi: "Who to give them to?"
      *End Confessional*

      Abi gave 4 rocks to herself, one to Viola and one to Johnny.

      Ashley: "Well, this won't be easy!"
      *End Confessional*

      Ashley gave 3 to Versic and 3 to Viola.

      "Alright!" announced Tyler, "I am going to reveal the scores!" He pulled out 16 rocks from Viola's basket.
      "16!" announced Tyler, "Viola is out of the challenge!" Viola looked shocked. Tyler pulled out 2 from Johnny's basket.
      "2! You all need more than 2 if you want to win!" Tyler pulled out 6 from Versic's basket. Then 1 from Ashley's.
      "Versic is in the lead! Abi needs 7 to win!" announced Tyler. He then pulled 5 from Abi's basket.

      Versic: "Yes! My first immunity!"
      Abi: "So close!"
      Viola: *is paralyzed*
      *End Confessional*

      *Elimination Ceremony*
      "Ashley has gone to the Death Dome!" announced Tyler, "the votes were between Viola and Johnny! By a vote of 2-2, it's a tie!" Everyone gasped.
      "I would like to use this!" announced Johnny. He pulled something from his pocket.
      "This is an immunity idol!" announced Tyler, "this means Viola is going to the Death Dome!"

      Viola: "I knew I'd be out! I knew it!"
      *End Confessional*

      *Death Dome*
      "The nominated must eat the most of Abi's brownies!" announced Tyler, "I so kindly asked her to make a bunch of brownies, for the challenge. Viola and Ashley have 100 brownies each."
      "WHAT?" yelled Johnny, "GIVE ME!"
      "No! You killed Rose with them!" yelled Abi.
      "Anyways," announced Tyler, "they have 5 minutes! Whoever eats the most is still in the game!"
      Viola and Ashley were about to eat.
      "I already had enough sugar today!" moaned Ashley, "all the exercise I need to do! Exercise is fun!"
      "No offense Abi," said Viola, "they are nice, but I wouldn't eat 100 of them!"
      "None taken!" chirped Abi.
      *5 minutes later*
      "One person managed to eat 14, and the other ate 6," announced Tyler, "Ashley!"
      "What?" yelled Ashley, "I LOST?"
      "Ashley is safe! Viola must die now!"
      "Bulls***!" screamed Viola, "BULL AND F***ING S***!" Tyler grabbed out a flame thrower and set Viola on fire.

      Johnny: "Abi bribed me with brownies to vote off Viola. Kinda killed all the interns."
      Abi: "Johnny and I voted Viola, and Viola and Versic voted Johnny. Good thing I gave Johnny the immunity idol Abby gave me. I've had it the whole time. I realized I am a fan favorite, a strong competitor, and didn't need it. I gave it to someone more deserving. I've had it ever since Abby died."
      Versic: "Hell yea! Final 4! I finally won a challenge!"
      Ashley: "I feel sick"
      Tyler: "That's it for this episode! What will happen? Find out next time on The Death Dome!"
      *End Confessional*

      @Fight4Glory this episode is dedicated to you. @Chiyami your favorite survived :3
    2. Chiyami

      Chiyami Active Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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