Tyler wasn't at the dock. Instead, a girl was. "Alright!" she said, "my name is @Chiyami! I've taken over being the host of the show for today! In case you didn't know, I'm an intern. Anyways, last time on The Death Dome, Kat gave Jacques CPR in front of Ashley. Sadie and Rose became enemies. It was a double elimination. Sadie and Rose did the worst in the challenge, while Ashley got voted off. Jacques and Ashley confessed their love to each other, and Jacques took her place. Jacques and Sadie lost the Death Dome battle, leaving Rose alive. How did thay lazy bish win anyway? Who will die today? Who will win? When will Tyler find out I stole his Starbucks? Find out now on The Death Dome!" *Confessional* Ashley: "Why did Jacques volunteer? I could have won and we'd both still be here! :(" Kentucky: "Bwak!" (Finally, she's dead!) Versic: "Well, I made the final 8." Johnny: "What the hell? 2+2 IS CAKE! NOT 4!" Abi: "Yogurt." Rose: "I barely survived last night." Viola: "Well, the guys are outnumbered by a landslide, I could use this to my advantage." Kat: "Aw, sexy guy died." *End Confessional* Viola, Versic and Johnny met up in the living room. "We're outnumbered," said Viola. It only took Versic 2 seconds to figure out how. "You mean, Johnny and I are outnumbered?" he asked. "I am as well," said Viola, "the other girls don't really like me. They will vote me out eventually! Then they'll go for you!" Johnny looked confused. "For goodness sake Johnny! Your IQ is like -10! How did you even win the quiz?" Johnny shrugged. *Confessional* Viola: "Too easy!" Johnny: "Wat." Versic: "I don't trust this Viola girl." *End Confessional* Abi and Rose were in the Spa room. "Man," sighed Abi, "Abby would love this... Abby!" She started crying. "Oh for goodness sake!" yelled Rose, "she's not coming back!" Abi stopped crying. "Maybe you'll win for Abby to avenge her!" she yelled again. "You're right," sniffed Abi, "I can do this!" *Confessonal* Rose: "Abi seems nice." Abi: "Rose is such a kind person." *End Confessional* "Alright!" announced Chiyami, "please meet at the dock!" "Who the hell are you?" asked Rose in disgust. "Your worst nightmare!" smirked Chiyami, "also, the new host!" Everyone gasped. "Tyler isn't feeling the greatest, and just needed some time to "hang" and "relax". *shows scene of Tyler in a cave, tied up and hanging upside down* "Anyway!" started Chiyami, "your challenge is-" "Wait," yelled Abi, "Tyler would have told us if he had to go somewhere! Infact, he'd have given us the day off instead of sticking us with a stranger like you!" "He did stick us with each other," muttered Viola, clearly annoyed. "True!" "Shut up!" yelled Chiyami. Everyone looked shocked. "Bwak!" squawked Kentucky. "What?" asked Kat, "Bwak! Bwak?? Bwak, bwak bwak!" *Confessional* Rose: "She speaks chicken? What the hell?" Kat: "I speak English and Chicken!" *End Confessional* "Guys! Kentucky is saying something important!" yelled Kat, "Chara has kidnapped Tyrone!" "Who the hell is Chara?" yelled Chiyami. "You, dumbass!" *Confessional* Versic: "Burnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" Johnny: "o" *End Confessional* "Tyrone got kidnapped by Chara, and is somewhere on the island!" "Oh shut up," yelled Chiyami. "Lets go look for him!" yelled Abi. "Wait," said Versic, "why would you believe a chicken and a dumb blonde?" "Hey!" cried Kat. "I mean, they are both weird, how could we believe them!" "They are pretty odd," said Viola, "but how could they make something up this crazy?" Viola then grabbed a bunch of rope out of nowhere and tackled Chiyami. 5 seconds later Chiyami was tied up in the rope. "Someone should stay and guard her!" said Abi. "Abi and Rose you can guard!" said Versic, "if Chiyami tries anything funny, knock her out!" Viola randomly out of nowhere grabbed a saucepan and a baseball bat. She gave the bat to Abi and the pan to Rose. "Thanks?" asked Abi. "Bwak!" squawked Kentucky. "Yes," said Kat, "you stay too! Eat that bish if you need to!" *Confessional* Johnny: "I wonder if Tyler will give me cake?" Abi: "I don't like this." *End Confessional* Viola, Versic and Johnny went together. Kat and Ashley ended up together. "Great," muttered Ashley. "We are going to be best friends!" yelled Kat, "oh wait, aren't you that chick who stole my boyfriend?" Ashley glared at her in disbelief. "Really?" she muttered. "Alright," said Viola, "since we are aligned we should stick together. Johnny, you stay here and keep a look out! Versic and I will go look in the cave!" "Alright!" said Johnny. "Fine," muttered Versic. "Did you know that your outfit is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not in right now?" asked Kat. She was babbling on, annoying Ashley. "Shut the hell up!" yelled Ashley. She stormed off. Abi, Kentucky and Rose were with Chiyami. They didn't know that Chiyami had a knife in her pocket. She was slowly using it to cut the rope. "Well," lied Chiyami, "you got me. I did kidnap your host!" "See?" said Abi, "they told the truth!" "It's a shame Viola didn't check my pockets." "Bwak?" squawked Kentucky. Chiyami finally cut the rope. She karate kicked Abi, knocking her out. "ABI!" screamed Rose. "Bwak," squawked Kentucky. He leaped onto Chiyami's head. "Oh," said Chiyami, "I do love myself some fried chicken." "BWAK!" Chiyami looked at Rose, "run while you can sweetie!" she smirked. Rose was scared, so she ran off. Chiyami then took Kentucky into the kitchen and turned on the oven. "You know," said Chiyami, "you were my favorite, but you turned against me." "Bwak!" squawked Kentucky. Chiyami stabbed Kentucky and he died. She wiped all the blood off and threw Kentucky into the oven. "Muahahahahaha!" Johnny was meant to keep a lookout outside the cave. He could then smell KFC. "Hm," he said. He followed the smell and it took him to the kitchen. He saw Chiyami about to eat some KFC. Johnny realized this was his chance to stop Chiyami, for good. "Hey!" he yelled really loudly. Chiyami jumped. "Can I have some of that chicken?" he asked. *Confessional* Chiyami: "He is nuts!" Johnny: "What? I like KFC!" *End Confessional* "Look!" yelled Viola. She found a random door in the middle of the cave. She and Versic went through it. "Ladies first," gulped Versic. "Chicken." She opened the door and walked into it. She saw Tyler tied up. "Tyler?" she asked. "Mpph!" He had a gag over his mouth. Viola grabbed a knife and untied him. He fell to the ground. "Thank you!" he cried, "now can we get out of here!" Viola, Versic and Tyler raced out of the cave. "Where is Johnny?" asked Versic. He then saw big footprint tracks. Ashley had run into the kitchen. She saw Chiyami, Rose and Johnny eating chicken. She was confused. "WHAT THE FU-!" she yelled. She got interrupted by someone babbling. It was Kat. She had also ran into the kitchen. Viola, Versic and Tyler raced into the kitchen. Chiyami then pulled a gun out. "Stay back!" she yelled, "line up against the wall!" Everyone did so. They were scared. "Where's Kentucky and Abi?" whispered Tyler. "Chiyami ate Kentucky, and knocked Abi out on the dock," whispered Rose. "WHAT?" yelled Johnny, "I ATE KENTUCKY? HE TASTED LIKE KFC!" "Shut it!" yelled Chiyami. She was about to shoot Kat. "NO!" screamed a voice. The door got busted down. Abi stood there with an axe. "Thanks for the axe Rose," said Abi, "this came in handy." Everyone laughed. She then swung it so the handle knocked Chiyami out. "Time to lock her up and starve her!" announced Tyler, "since she ate one of the contestants! Viola also wins immunity!" *Elimination Ceremony* "Nobody did the worst in the challenge!" announced Tyler, "in fact, this wasn't even a challenge at all!" "I could tie you up again," joked Viola. "No, no you win immunity!" cried Tyler, "Viola, you can choose someone to put into the Death Dome, or you can have a triple vote this elimination." "I want to chuck Kat into the Death Dome!" Kat looked confused. "YAY!" she yelled. *The Death Dome* "Aw come on!" yelled Kat. The room was set on fire. "NOOOOOOOO!" "We are down to our final 6 already!" announced Tyler, "The survival girl, the nice twin, the fat guy who does nothing, a tomboy cadet, a lazy girl who is amazing with an axe, and some weird Chibi guy! What will happen next time on The Death Dome?" @Chiyami this episode is dedicated to you