Tyler was sitting on the dock in a deck chair. He had a big TV screen sitting randomly next to him. "My first recap starts soon," he muttered. "Um," said the camera man, "we're live now." "Holy wha?" yelled Tyler. He got up instantly and shoved his deckchair into the ocean. He turned the TV screen on. "Last time, on the Death Dome, 13 campers were introduced to the island! I told them the "death" part of this show was a joke, so that people would sign up. They got sorted into their cabins. Some of these campers are weird, well all of them are. The challenge was to be the first to dive off a cliff and find a gold coin in the ocean. Abby refused to jump, while her twin, Abi, won. Abby was sent to the death dome for doing the worst. At the ceremony to see who would join Abby, Jay got voted out for his rudeness to the cast. Abby and Jay had to make it out of a maze! Abby and Jay decided to work together until the end, but Abby tripped Jay. The maze exploded when Abby escaped. What could go on this time? Find out now on The Death Dome!" *Cabin 1* Johnny and Jacques were already awake. "Morning!" yelled Jacques. "Mom, is it breakfast time?" yelled Johnny. He woke up with a big fright. "No, I was wondering if you know where Abi is?" Johnny looked around and shook his head. *Cabin 4* Jeff was sitting on the floor plotting on how he was going to kill everyone. "How about I kill the twins?" he asked himself, "wait, no." He didn't know that Abi was looking in the window. Abi was about to scream when someone grabbed her mouth and covered it. "Abi, shut up!" hissed Abby. "What?" asked Abi. "Shush and listen, since we are twins we look like threats!" Abi looked confused. "But we're not threats?" "Exactly, we need to work together and take out the REAL threats!" They shook hands, but Abby's fingers were crossed. *Confessional* Abi: "Only today Abbi." Abby: "She is so gullible!" Jeff: "I hear talking outside my cabin." *End Confessional* *Cabin 2* Kat, Crimson and Rose were asleep. Viola wasn't. She was sleeping in a tent outside the cabin. *Confessional* Viola: "I am not sleeping with those freaks!" Tyler: "How the hell did she get a tent?" *End Confessional* *Cabin 3* Abby crawled back into her cabin and into bed. Sadie, and Versic were asleep. "Morning," said Ashley. "Ew, don't talk to me," muttered Abby. *Outside the cabins* "Aw," said Tyler, "they're relaxing." He grabbed out an air horn and the deafening noise filled the campground. "Agh!" Girls were screaming. "Agh!" screamed Jacques. Ashley glared at him. "Did you scream?" "Oh no, of course not!" "I needed my beauty sleep!" yelled Kat. "Aw, tough crap!" yelled Sadie, "it's breakfast time!" She grabbed out a big bucket of KFC. A fishing rod then came and took it. "You only eat the food we give you!" yelled Tyler, "and I give you none!" Everyone gasped and glared. Johnny got on his knees and looked at the sky. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Johnny. "Aye, it was me chicken!" yelled Sadie. "Shut it!" yelled Tyler. Everyone was shocked. "Your challenge is to capture an animal. First person to capture one wins immunity from the vote, while the person who does the worst will go in the death dome." *Confessional* Abby: "Capturing animals? Hell no!" Kat: "I don't like the sound of this!" Jacques: "Easy!" Viola: "I lived in the woods for 3 years, I know what I am doing." *End Confessional* "And," said Tyler, "you cannot kill the animal!" *Confessional* Viola: "Dammit." Rose: "Do I want to do this? Not really. I want to prove to my girls back at home, that I can do something useful!" *End Confessional* "Can we capture Sadie?" asked Abby, "I mean, she is an animal after all!" "Hell no!" yelled Sadie. She lunged at Abi and started attacking her. "Oy!" screamed Abi. "Thanks sis!" laughed Abby. "Go!" announced Tyler. Everyone scattered off. Jacques and Ashley found a cave. There was a bear inside it. "Back off!" yelled Ashley, "I was here first!" "No!" yelled Jacques, "I was here first ma'am." "Ma'am? Not only you're fit, but also a gentleman." "Thanks?" "Sucker!" Ashley knocked Jacques over and went to capture the bear. "How you going to bring it back to camp?" asked Jacques. "What?" The bear roared at Ashley. "Agh!" screamed Ashley. "And you tell me I scream like a girl," muttered Jacques. The bear spotted Jacques. "AGH!" screamed Jacques. *Confessional* Ashley: "Do I live Jacques? No. Is he hot? Maybe." *End Confessional* The bear was about to lunge at them, but someone jumped and tied it up. "Thanks Violet!" yelled Ashley. "It's Viola!" yelled Viola. Ashley looked offended. *Confessional* Viola: "Looks like I win, just need to take it back to camp!" Jacques: "She needs to take a chill pill, well, they both do!" *End Confessional* Sadie was really hungry, even though she ate some chicken 5 minutes ago. She then heard a "Bwak!" sound. "KFC?" asked Sadie. She spotted a chicken sitting down. "Ek!" screamed Sadie, "SHE CAN LAY KFC EGGS! I am naming you Kentucky!" *Confessional* Sadie: "This is Kentucky, the chicken!" Kentucky: *rolls eyes* *End Confessional* Crimson and Kat ended up together on top of a cliff. "Look!" yelled Crimson, "a beaver!" "I love beavers!" yelled Kat. She raced off the cliff thinking she was chasing it. "Wow," said Crimson, "I know I like watching people suffer, but that was messy." A beaver walked up to Crimson. "Hey, a beaver!" Kat was falling. "Agh!" screamed Kat. She was going to hit the ground. She was saved by something soft and slippery. A bunch of fish jumped out of the water to cushion her fall. "Thank you fishy friends!" yelled Kat. She grabbed one of the fish. She then saw Johnny on the beach. He spotted the fish as well. "Can I have some?" he asked. "Ew!" screamed Kat, "AN ALIEN!" She grabbed one of the fish and smacked the crap out of Johnny with it. "My fish!" *Confessional* Kat: "Nobody eats my fishy friends!" *End Confessional* "So far, Kat, Viola and Sadie have caught an animal!" announced Tyler on the loud speakers. "The first one back to the camp wins immunity from the vote. Once someone wins, last person back, animal or not, is on the chopping block!" *Confessional* Jacques: "Better not be last!" Crimson: "Kat is so stupid!" Abby: "Well, I caught Abi!" *End Confessional* Abby and Abi made it back to camp first. "Where is your animal?" asked Tyler. "I found mine!" yelled Abby. She pointed at Abi. "Hey!" she yelled. Kat then came running up. "Fishy!" yelled Kat. "Kat wins!" announced Tyler, "last person back, animal or no animal, is going to the Death Dome! Kat, Abby and Abi are safe at the moment!" Jacques and Ashley came running up. "We made it!" panted Ashley. "Well, I got no animal," muttered Rose, as she came back. After a while it was down to Johnny and Crimson. *Confessional* Crimson: "If I die this early, it's rigged. The host clearly wants me to die, because he thinks I am a stripper! Creep!" Tyler: "I never said that?" Johnny: "Kat is stupid, but smart! She might be why I die!" *End Confessional* Johnny somehow barely made it before Crimson. "WHAT?" screamed Crimson. *Confessional* Abi: "At least it isn't me going!" Abby: "I want Abi gone!" Jeff: "Somebody is going to die tonight! I am excited!" *Tyler knocks on door* "Hurry up! I need to pee!" yelled Tyler. "Go to sleep!" yelled Jeff. Tyler: "That Jeff guy is creepy!" *End Confessional* Abi, Jacques, Ashley and Abby had a meeting in the Mess Hall. "I know we hate each other," began Jacques. "But I think we need to align tonight!" yelled Ashley, "we are the strongest players and none of us won today!" "Fine," said Abby, "but I am still going to vote Abi when I get the chance." "Wow," muttered Abi, "I'm in!" *Elimination Ceremony* "Our bottom 2 campers are Abi, last night's winner, and Kentucky, Sadie's chicken." "I better not get beaten by a chicken!" yelled Abi. Abby started laughing. "NO!" screamed Sadie, "KENTUCKY!" "Kentucky got the most votes!" announced Tyler. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled Sadie, "KENTUCKY!" *Confessional* Viola: "Kentucky was going to die anyway." Sadie: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Abby: "Dammit, the chicken lost!" *End Confessional* *The Death Dome* "Alright!" announced Tyler, "Kentucky and Crimson are in a plain boxed room. They need to find their way out! First to escape remains in the game." "Wait," said Sadie, "does Kentucky get to join the game if he lives!" "Yes, although he will die," muttered Tyler, "anyways, whoever makes it out last, is our second murder, I mean dead accident." "Did he say murder?" muttered Abi. "Um, no! Anyways, their challenge starts now!" Crimson and Kentucky were in the maze. "Well," said Crimson, "me vs a chicken? Easy peasy!" Kentucky started at her. "Bwak!" bwaked Kentucky. "Bwak!" mocked Crimson. Kentucky looked offended. "GO KENTUCKY!" yelled Sadie. Kentucky then lunged at Crimson. "Agh!" screamed Crimson, "THIS IS NOT HOW I GO DOWN! Agh! ANYONE HELP!" "Kentucky, Kentucky, Kentucky! chanted Sadie. *Disclaimer* I couldn't write this as it was too graphic *Disclaimer* Kentucky had ripped one of Crimsons legs and eaten it. The bone remained. Kentucky then realized there was a door the whole time and used Crimson's bone as a key. "Bwak!" bwaked Kentucky. "KENTUCKY!" yelled Sadie with glee. They hugged. Kentucky didn't look that happy. "Bwak!" bwaked Kentucky. Sadie was squashing him. "Sorry!" she said. She was clearly happy. "Looks like everyone is happy!" announced Tyler. "I'm not!" yelled Abby. "For the last time, nobody cares!" yelled Tyler, "well that's it for episode 2. Despite Crimson's style and crappy attitude, she was a favorite. I said she LOOKS like a stripper, but I full well know she wasn't." "This is still airing," muttered the Camera Man. "Crap!" yelled Tyler, "anyways, find out who dies next time on The Death Dome!