Hey, I'm from another server forum (I don't know if it's counted as advertising to say it here, but I'm pretty sure most of you can guess) and I thought I'd make an account seeing as some of you have on the forum I mentioned a second ago? (What a long sentence xD) Anyway, let me start my into off and then I'll talk about renders ;) My name is Oscar, I am 12 years old, I live in Spain and I am homeschooled. My Minecraft username is... wait, I've used many accounts xD. I've been known as; The_Maxty, Minecraft_Tank, Turtle12, Chocolatee and _iTwitch_ (although _iTwitch_ is my friend's account, but still). You won't see my in-game, as I do use a modified client. Also, because I don't use a modified client, doesn't make me ''bad'' at PvP, or Minecraft in general. Now, about the renders. I'll be taking render requests for any who wish to have one! :D If you would like me to make you a render, fill out the questions below: Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): Action (if any): Background: Items?: Mobs?: Sky colour?: Night/Day: Please don't make them too complicated as they take more time, and more than one person might ask for one Here is some examples of ones I've made: (and my profile picture) Sorry for making this so long, and thanks for reading <3 ~Tank
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): TADS4 Action (if any): pulling a bow? Background: overworld? Items?: now to hold Mobs?: None Sky colour?: blue or green Night/Day: night Welcome to the forums! I'm jealous that you know how to render ;<
Thanks, and it's not too hard (apart from people pulling bows xD) Also, I tried (I got bored so I did two) Sorry about the black parts on your skin (Unless they're actually there), I tried re-downloading the skin, but it stayed like that. Tell me if you'd like me to redo it, or if you'd like another one. <3
Your IGN: Vanishment Action (if any): The same pose as the girl in the second example Background: Doesn't matter Items: It's up to you. I don't mind Mobs: Enderman Sky colour? Blue Night or Day: Night
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): Bexrs and Bezrs Action (if any): Jumping down the roof (like assassins) Background: Mansion Items?: A small diamond sword (if you can) Mobs?: Random players behind us. (chasing us) Sky colour? Dark blue/purple Night/Day: Night Good luck xD
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): Wolfiz Action (if any): Not Much ;) Background: Any Items?: Diamond Axe Mobs?: Dog Sky colour?: Blue Night/Day: Day
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): _Chxrlie_ Action (if any): Pulling a bow Background: overworld? Items?: A bow Mobs?: None Sky colour?: blue or green Night/Day: night
Welcome to the forums, and yes your are allowed to mention other of Noobcrew's servers. Are you up for one with more then 10 people
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): RebornWolf, Discdog1000 Action (if any): RebornWolf (Me) is jumping off a cliff, whilst Disc is running to the edge, she is accompanied by a dog. Background: A cliff side, that leads to a forest or ocean (Your choice) on the bottom. Items?: I'm holding a diamond sword, Disc has a bow Mobs?: Like I said, a dog ;p Sky colour?: Sky blue. Night/Day: Day.
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): ShrektingPro Action (if any): Falling into a lava pit Background: Nether Items?: Blaze rod Mobs?: Blaze, Ghast, Zombie pig man Sky color: N/A Night/Day: N/A in the nether