Now you may have some questions. How do I prestige and are there any specific ways to doing it? This thread is all about prestige. What level can I prestige? You can prestige at level 120. How many prestiges are there? There are 10 prestiges. What do prestiges give you? Prestige 1- Blast Protection 1 Prestige 2- Projectile Protection 1 Prestige 3- Protection 1 Prestige 4- Sharpness 1 Prestige 5- Fire aspect 1 Sharpness 1 Prestige 6- Broken (Used to be 1 egg) Prestige 7- Bow with 1 arrow Prestige 8- Bow with 2 arrows Prestige 9- Bow with 3 arrows Prestige 10- Bow with 4 arrows Tips about prestigeing For people without a donor kit: First off you will probably want to skip prestige 1. Why? Prestige 1 is only blast protection 1 which takes off about a 4th of the damage done by airstrike torches. If you have not prestiged yet you will want to wait until level 360 so you can be level 120 at prestige 2. Then wait until you are between level 220 and 240 to prestige to 3. Then wait until you are at level 220 to prestige to 4. Then wait until you get to level 220 at prestige 4 to go to prestige 5. Prestige 5 is an over-powered prestige because of the sharpness added on to the fire aspect. Then you will want to wait until you are level 360 to skip 6 entirely because it is broken. After you get to prestige 7 with 240 levels you will want to prestige to 8. The same for going to 9 and then at 10 you can prestige whenever you would like because it is the last one . Not very many people get to prestige 10 and it is a good milestone. Why would you want to do this? First is that you get the best armor anyone with vip- can get. You also get 2 gapples at level 120. Gapples can save your life when you are at low health Elite+: You can prestige whenever you like and still be able to get lots of rofls because of your kit. You can get gapples from rofls but if you want to have gapples every round than wait until level 240 to prestige. link to the basic infection guide by @TADS What are prestiges good for? Prestiges make the game more fair for the zombies. This gives the zombies helpful items/enchantments to kill the humans. Prestige 1 is good for killing people who have gotten a lot of redstone torches from rofls because of the blast protection. Prestige 2 is good against people who like to use their bows. Prestige 3 is good against generally everything. Prestige 3 is the best of the lowest three prestiges. Then for the middle 3. Prestige 4 is good because it does almost 1 more damage per hit. Prestige 5 is honestly one of the best prestiges for a few reasons. You get an iron sword with sharpness 1 and fire aspect one. 1 hit to a god+ player can do up to 4 hearts because of the fire damage. So it only needs about 3-4 hits max to kill a god+ if they don't eat a gapple. Some people (including myself) like to suicide when they have prestige 5 and then the game normally goes a lot faster. Prestige 6 is broken and it used to have an egg. 7-10 gives you a bow. At prestige 7 you get 1 arrow. Every prestige the amount of arrows increases by 1. By the time you get to prestige 10 you will have 4 arrows. Prestige 7-10 are great on maps like rust because you can shoot people off. Thank you Thank you for reading this I hoped this has helped.