Hey! Recently, Pile_of_Butts and myself have received the permissions to give XP to fix ranks that have been lost previously on infection. If you would like your rank fixed, please fill out this simple format below so we can help you. In-game name: What rank and XP levels did you previously have? Proof of the past levels: We will get back to you ASAP. Thanks! Off topic post will be deleted.
In-game name: Robisgreat10 What rank and XP levels did you previously have? http://prntscr.com/be4kja Proof of the past levels: 657 (SgtMaj)
In-game name: Jguns99 and SSMH What rank and XP levels did you previously have? we both lost 40 levels (SSgt) Proof of the past levels: this is on Infection server 1 not infection2
Can we get our lvls back on /infection2? If yes here's my proof 1. HaloMasterChef 2. P10 sgtmaj lvl 195 3. http://imgur.com/eq4JK3O
In-game name: mcquade54 What rank and XP levels did you previously have? Prestige 5, level 60 or something Proof of the past levels: I lost my proof but it should be in the deleted posts on here.
Just saying this isn't a support no support thing. It's to get lost levels back. also it is 105 for mgysgt
I have no proof I'm fine restarting but thakyou mods for helping the people that have proof my hat is off 2 u some servers dont do that stuff
well I belive its left open so like people can get help agan, thanks mods for doing kind work like this