This clan is new looking for members which are good pvp friendliness and activeness. Owner: ScubaSc1216One Co-Owner: Billy_Wolf,HighWun Admin: !Slot! Officer: !Slot! General: !Slot! Member: !Slot! Member: !Slot! To apply follow this template. Age: IGN: Why should I accept you?: Bow-Swords skill: Clan War:Imment. Heavenlyblades™ TO BE ACCEPT AS A OFFICER,General,admin,Co owner At least have Sponsor-God EDIT: You no longer need a rank!
How is that fair to regular members who could possibly PvP better than the rest of us? Is this a "Donate2Win" type situation?
Age:15 IGN:Skoonyy Why should I accept you?: Cause im good at pvp Bow-Swords skill: 7 bows 8.5 swords
Age: 11 IGN: unslainable123 Why should I accept you?: I'm in no clan atm and I'm nice. Bow-Swords skill: 4-5.