=-= GTA =-= Let's talk about GTA for a second. It's a custom plugin, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong). This server doesn't get enough credit. It's a really cool gamemode, with a cool texture pack that makes the entire game visually fun, and it's overall very unique. The thing is, though; it needs more. Here's what I'm suggesting: Cars Okay, one of the bigger points in the actual, 'GTA game', is cars. We already have the ability to drive cars, why not build on it? I'm thinking there could be a car shop, certain cars have different abilities, different speeds, ect. Of course; it's minecraft. The cars won't look different, but they'll have a different name tag. If you leave your car alone while you're not in it, it can be stolen just like in regular GTA. Maybe another addition where you can buy a "lock" for your car, as well. Just possibilities. Casino/Arcade The original GTA game consists of multiple little arcades, casinos, and things that you can visit along your journey. We have a variety of different casino/arcade type things. Currently, we have two little casino games (located at the 'casino' in spawn). Slots And blackjack There should be more. This a picture of a current casino game installed on 'OpFactions' that we should move to GTA. This is really pointless on OpFactions. Plots In regular GTA, you can buy houses/apartments. I suggest we have the ability to make a plot, then put it up for sale. Similar to prison plots. This would be cool, and also give us a way to store more items. The only way we can currently store things is through a single enderchest. This is not enough room. With the addition of plots, there would need to be a, 'plot shop' in which you could buy blocks to build with. EXP bottles This isn't related to the original GTA, but let's add the ability to buy exp bottles. There is an enchantment room, and anvils all over spawn. But, oh wait... We can't use them. There's not really a way to get exp. I think we should have exp really only to make our armor more powerful through anvils, and be able to enchant armor. If exp were brought into the game, it would need to be disabled through enchanting tools because players would enchant their guns/swords. Death Okay, when you die you loose a certain percentage of your balance. To me, this is unfair. I've at one point had around 20k, once I died I lost 4k. This is ridiculous, I suggest changing this some how. Robbing I think there should be some form of robbery added into the game. Like, while you're out and about; sometimes a random place on the map is available to rob? There could be a broadcast message "A bank located at [coordinates] has been left un-attended!", or something like that. People would be rushing to that spot, while fighting other players trying to get to the cash. Cash would be received by opening a chest that would have range of different amounts of cash in it (like in the $100's). After someone has "robbed" the money, there could be another broadcast message: "[player] just robbed the bank and got [amount]!". These events could happen on a timer, once every hour or so. I know we can't completely make this individual game mode have all the features of the original game, but I thought these ideas would simply make the game more fun.
My thought was that it would be like creative plots, anyone can create one. But you could also put one up for sale then be able to buy one from someone who has their's up for sale.
About the car things and being able to lock it. If you are going in terms of the actual GTA game, this would be a good addition as you can actually lock your cars now. GTA V for the win, aye.
Many times people would want to buy one. If they don't want to build one, plots could be more valuable depending on what's on it making people want to buy it... Things like that.