Thanks but I quit today.
Thanks :^)
...@YesOrange @TheEnderSlime @Wagonwheelgirl @Sparky_Danger @Eth123cool @jmintz123 @FatFish0110 @DoctorDistructo @Snochabc Sorry if I forgot you :p
Tagged all the prisoners but me. :(
The prison squad, kinda..
...@NoMoreSanity @Alan @Smiley @SSMH @FatFish0110 @TypicalTryhard @Sitzoum1 @Purifiedz @FearTheKlowns @Jguns99 @Eth123cool @Levis
I am sure if Infection came back, it'd be a number 1 but for now I geuss I will say KitPvP
Im not even Idk.
david cameron
My In game name: NoobCupCake Offenders In game name: Eth123cool Rules broken: Excessive use of capslock along with spamming. Evidence:[ATTACH]...
Eth123cool [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Evidence ^ Eth was repeatedly spamming and after asking him to stop he started doing it in /msg.
I imagine it can be annoying. I was hoping for a way to toggle the effect, so that you didn't have to worry about it while building it with...
...was on prison (Like always) and there was a argument going on. Eth123cool was acting really rude because of a 1v1 with someone. I did not see...
No results found
Mmm in my studio.
@Janice999 @Deivid0ze @ItsSniiper @cheetahswimmer Eth123cool has 4 mod applications.[node]=15&c[user][0]=25737 He has four moderator applications. Could you ask him to...
i think XD
Umm, so you have been playing mineverse for 3 years, and I never seen you online, and you just joined the forums on Sunday... Somehow it just...